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Week 1/6.mp4 160.62 MB
Week 1/5.mp4 158.53 MB
Week 6/9.mp4 156.38 MB
Week 7/6.mp4 147.4 MB
Week 7/7.mp4 128.55 MB
Week 4/9.mp4 126.47 MB
Week 7/5.mp4 125.51 MB
Week 1/4.mp4 121.63 MB
Week 1/2.mp4 120.01 MB
Week 7/2.mp4 118.44 MB
Week 4/3.mp4 118.15 MB
Week 6/8.mp4 118.13 MB
Week 7/3.mp4 117.74 MB
Week 4/7.mp4 112.28 MB
Week 6/6.mp4 111.6 MB
Week 1/3.mp4 111.06 MB
Week 7/4.mp4 106.83 MB
Week 4/6.mp4 106.59 MB
Week 4/5.mp4 101.42 MB
Week 6/7.mp4 99.38 MB
Week 4/2.mp4 98.66 MB
Week 6/2.mp4 96.47 MB
Week 6/3.mp4 93.35 MB
Week 6/5.mp4 93.01 MB
Week 6/4.mp4 92.58 MB
Week 4/4.mp4 81.31 MB
Week 2/3.mp4 73.04 MB
Week 2/10.mp4 71.54 MB
Week 2/5.mp4 71.48 MB
Week 4/8.mp4 70.37 MB
Week 5/5.mp4 69.25 MB
Week 2/2.mp4 68.61 MB
Week 2/9.mp4 67.87 MB
Week 3/9.mp4 65.38 MB
Week 2/4.mp4 64.66 MB
Week 5/3.mp4 63.38 MB
Week 5/4.mp4 60.23 MB
Week 3/4.mp4 57.24 MB
Week 3/5.mp4 56.25 MB
Week 2/8.mp4 50.76 MB
Week 2/6.mp4 49.67 MB
Week 3/6.mp4 49.21 MB
Week 3/2.mp4 48.27 MB
Week 3/7.mp4 48 MB
Week 2/7.mp4 47.46 MB
Week 5/2.mp4 47.36 MB
Week 3/8.mp4 39.18 MB
Week 3/3.mp4 33.85 MB
Week 1/7.mp4 27.69 MB
Week 4/12.mp4 27.49 MB
Week 7/1.mp4 23.67 MB
Week 2/1.mp4 23.31 MB
Week 1/9.mp4 23.14 MB
Week 1/1.mp4 21.47 MB
Week 6/1.mp4 19.87 MB
Week 1/8.mp4 18.87 MB
Week 3/1.mp4 18.33 MB
Week 4/1.mp4 17.25 MB
Week 5/1.mp4 16.96 MB
Intro/1.mp4 13.46 MB
Week 3/10.mp4 11.47 MB
Week 4/13.mp4 9.03 MB
Week 4/11.mp4 6.48 MB
Week 4/10.mp4 4.16 MB
Week 5/ASM246_Week5_Homo_habilis.pdf 2.08 MB
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Week 1/ASM246_Week_1_Reading_Carbon_Dating.pdf 379.4 KB
Week 6/ASM246_Week6_The_hominids.pdf 365.29 KB
Week 7/ASM246_Week7_Cave_Paintings.pdf 319.38 KB
Week 2/ASM246_Week_3_Very_Early_Hominins.pdf 279.76 KB
Week 3/ASM246_Week_3_Very_Early_Hominins.pdf 279.76 KB
Week 5/Paranthropus_boisei.pdf 240.43 KB
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Week 5/ASM246_Week5_Homo_rudolfensis.pdf 216.33 KB
Week 7/ASM246_Week7_Neurobiological_origins_of_language.pdf 205.7 KB
Week 4/ASM246_Week_4_Early_Hominid_Fossils.pdf 199.84 KB
Week 6/ASM246_Week6_The_Oldowan_Period.pdf 183.19 KB
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Materials/HumanOriginsSyllabus_1006.pdf 157.76 KB
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Materials/ASM246x Course Syllabus _ Course Information and Support _ ASM246x Courseware _ edX.html 107.6 KB
Week 7/Homo_sapiens.pdf 101.97 KB
Materials/ASM246HumanOriginsSchedule_1007.pdf 99.79 KB
Week 1/ASM2246_Week_1_Reading_whatispaleo.pdf 98.63 KB
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Week 1/ASM246_Week_1_Reading_fieldwork.pdf 85.71 KB
Week 2/ASM24_Week_3_BIPEDAL_ADAPTATIONS.pdf 84.26 KB
Week 3/ASM24_Week_3_BIPEDAL_ADAPTATIONS.pdf 84.26 KB
Week 1/ASM246_Week_1_Reading_Human_Evolution.pdf 81.03 KB
Week 2/ASM246_Week_2_Pre_Darwinian_Reading.pdf 80.15 KB
Week 4/ASM246_Week_4_I_Love_Lucy.pdf 76.97 KB
Week 7/Upper_Paleolithic_Cultures.pdf 76.85 KB
Week 2/ASM246_Week_2_Contemporary_Primates.pdf 73.46 KB
Week 6/ASM246_Week6_The_Acheulean_Period.pdf 71.34 KB
Week 2/ASM246_Week_2_General_Biology.pdf 66.17 KB
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Week 2/ASM246_Week_3_Human_skeletal_changes.pdf 59.56 KB
Week 3/ASM246_Week_3_Human_skeletal_changes.pdf 59.56 KB
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Week 2/ASM246_Week_2_Evolutionary_Significance.pdf 48.27 KB
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Week 6/ 25.98 KB
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Week 1/ 25.29 KB
Week 7/ 24.43 KB
Week 2/ 23.32 KB
Week 7/ 22.9 KB
Week 2/ 22.76 KB
Week 6/ 22.35 KB
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Week 1/ 21.76 KB
Week 4/ 21.49 KB
Week 3/ 21.34 KB
Week 7/ 21.14 KB
Week 2/ 21.07 KB
Week 1/ 21.03 KB
Week 7/ 20.92 KB
Week 5/ 20.6 KB
Week 7/ 20.36 KB
Week 5/ 20.36 KB
Week 2/ 20.35 KB
Week 6/ 20.15 KB
Week 4/ 19.96 KB
Week 7/ 19.9 KB
Week 2/ 19.49 KB
Week 6/ 19.26 KB
Week 1/ 18.8 KB
Week 6/ 18.8 KB
Week 5/ 18.78 KB
Week 2/ 18.15 KB
Week 6/ 18.14 KB
Week 1/ 18.05 KB
Week 4/ 17.64 KB
Week 3/ 17.36 KB
Week 6/ 16.82 KB
Week 3/ 16.48 KB
Week 6/ 16.2 KB
Week 2/ 16.15 KB
Week 5/ 16.12 KB
Week 2/ 16.05 KB
Week 3/ 16.03 KB
Week 3/ 15.67 KB
Week 4/ 15.52 KB
Week 4/ 15.33 KB
Week 4/ 14.6 KB
Week 1/ 14.11 KB
Week 3/ 13.6 KB
Week 4/ 13.48 KB
Week 3/ 12.79 KB
Week 2/ 12.77 KB
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Week 4/ 11.5 KB
Week 3/ 11.21 KB
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Week 1/ 10.41 KB
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Week 7/ 4.29 KB
Week 2/ 4.23 KB
Week 6/ 4.2 KB
Week 1/ 3.86 KB
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Intro/ 3.5 KB
Week 3/ 3.37 KB
Week 4/ 3.37 KB
Week 5/ 3.22 KB
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Week 4/ 623 B
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Week 4/ 370 B
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