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File List
1 - Initial setup/1 - Getting started English.vtt 5.45 KB
1 - Initial setup/1 - Getting started.mp4 49.38 MB
1 - Initial setup/1 - 5.79 MB
1 - Initial setup/2 - Creating your first procedural animation English.vtt 10.74 KB
1 - Initial setup/2 - Creating your first procedural animation.mp4 106.66 MB
1 - Initial setup/3 - Basic leg IK English.vtt 7.28 KB
1 - Initial setup/3 - Basic leg IK.mp4 78.17 MB
1 - Initial setup/4 - Put the feet into an array English.vtt 5.58 KB
1 - Initial setup/4 - Put the feet into an array.mp4 56.49 MB
1 - Initial setup/5 - IK both legs in a loop English.vtt 8.67 KB
1 - Initial setup/5 - IK both legs in a loop.mp4 101.08 MB
1 - Initial setup/6 - Prevent multiple copies of each foot being added to the array English.vtt 1.66 KB
1 - Initial setup/6 - Prevent multiple copies of each foot being added to the array.mp4 20.01 MB
1 - Initial setup/7 - Optional Sphere trace example English.vtt 7.2 KB
1 - Initial setup/7 - Optional Sphere trace example.mp4 81.63 MB
1 - Initial setup/8 - Collapse to functions English.vtt 4.34 KB
1 - Initial setup/8 - Collapse to functions.mp4 45.56 MB
1 - Initial setup/9 - Rotate around point function English.vtt 7.66 KB
1 - Initial setup/9 - Rotate around point function.mp4 61.71 MB
2 - Foot rotation/10 - Creating a SetFootTransforms function English.vtt 6.04 KB
2 - Foot rotation/10 - Creating a SetFootTransforms function.mp4 55.85 MB
2 - Foot rotation/11 - Foot platform traces English.vtt 4.33 KB
2 - Foot rotation/11 - Foot platform traces.mp4 51.51 MB
2 - Foot rotation/12 - Foot platform rotation offset English.vtt 2.21 KB
2 - Foot rotation/12 - Foot platform rotation offset.mp4 22.68 MB
2 - Foot rotation/13 - Calculate foot platform forward offset English.vtt 4.75 KB
2 - Foot rotation/13 - Calculate foot platform forward offset.mp4 45.73 MB
2 - Foot rotation/14 - Rotate foot bone around foot platform English.vtt 3.42 KB
2 - Foot rotation/14 - Rotate foot bone around foot platform.mp4 37.3 MB
2 - Foot rotation/15 - Calculate ball rotation point offset English.vtt 9.04 KB
2 - Foot rotation/15 - Calculate ball rotation point offset.mp4 102.06 MB
2 - Foot rotation/16 - Calculate tip rotation point offset English.vtt 9.63 KB
2 - Foot rotation/16 - Calculate tip rotation point offset.mp4 111.15 MB
2 - Foot rotation/17 - Calculate heel rotation point offset English.vtt 5.45 KB
2 - Foot rotation/17 - Calculate heel rotation point offset.mp4 68.05 MB
2 - Foot rotation/18 - Rotate foot around ball English.vtt 7.47 KB
2 - Foot rotation/18 - Rotate foot around ball.mp4 89.68 MB
2 - Foot rotation/19 - Heel point fix English.vtt 4.14 KB
2 - Foot rotation/19 - Heel point fix.mp4 51.39 MB
2 - Foot rotation/20 - Unrotate balltip English.vtt 4.02 KB
2 - Foot rotation/20 - Unrotate balltip.mp4 50.94 MB
2 - Foot rotation/21 - Rotate around tip of the toes English.vtt 3.88 KB
2 - Foot rotation/21 - Rotate around tip of the toes.mp4 46.56 MB
2 - Foot rotation/22 - Rotate around heel English.vtt 6.17 KB
2 - Foot rotation/22 - Rotate around heel.mp4 71.12 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/23 - Create a calculate velocity function English.vtt 3.41 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/23 - Create a calculate velocity function.mp4 37.84 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/24 - Calculate world velocity English.vtt 6.74 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/24 - Calculate world velocity.mp4 68.11 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/25 - Convert to rig space velocity English.vtt 3.97 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/25 - Convert to rig space velocity.mp4 49.95 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/26 - Locked feet locations array English.vtt 2.41 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/26 - Locked feet locations array.mp4 27.89 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/27 - Calculate world delta movement English.vtt 2.43 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/27 - Calculate world delta movement.mp4 25.55 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/28 - Create calculate foot targets function English.vtt 2.44 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/28 - Create calculate foot targets function.mp4 26.26 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/29 - Basic time cycle English.vtt 4.32 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/29 - Basic time cycle.mp4 37.78 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/30 - Foot locked bool array English.vtt 4.06 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/30 - Foot locked bool array.mp4 42.06 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/31 - Calculate foot targets lerp linear interpolation English.vtt 4.92 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/31 - Calculate foot targets lerp linear interpolation.mp4 50.4 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/32 - Lock the feet English.vtt 2.89 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/32 - Lock the feet.mp4 35.61 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/33 - Shift the locked feet based on the worlds movement English.vtt 4.66 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/33 - Shift the locked feet based on the worlds movement.mp4 58.3 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/34 - Unlock the locked feet English.vtt 3.4 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/34 - Unlock the locked feet.mp4 46.22 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/35 - Predict foot landing spot basic English.vtt 6.73 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/35 - Predict foot landing spot basic.mp4 72.37 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/36 - Stride length English.vtt 3.7 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/36 - Stride length.mp4 37.84 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/37 - Set the feet cycles to be out of sync English.vtt 6.24 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/37 - Set the feet cycles to be out of sync.mp4 72.34 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/38 - Floating foot fix and stride length improvements English.vtt 3.89 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/38 - Floating foot fix and stride length improvements.mp4 51.94 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/39 - Predict character movement for foot traces English.vtt 4.79 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/39 - Predict character movement for foot traces.mp4 50.19 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/40 - Basic foot spline English.vtt 6.95 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/40 - Basic foot spline.mp4 80.75 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/41 - Dynamic cycle time English.vtt 9.99 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/41 - Dynamic cycle time.mp4 110.31 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/42 - Swing time as a percentage English.vtt 5.77 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/42 - Swing time as a percentage.mp4 69.32 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/43 - Foot landing spot prediction improvement English.vtt 4.34 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/43 - Foot landing spot prediction improvement.mp4 51.26 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/44 - Minimum stride time English.vtt 3.63 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/44 - Minimum stride time.mp4 44.98 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/45 - Velocity based spline diagram English.vtt 7.45 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/45 - Velocity based spline diagram.mp4 41.59 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/46 - Advanced foot spline English.vtt 11.44 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/46 - Advanced foot spline.mp4 134.51 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/47 - Minimum cycle time and Z lift tweaks English.vtt 4.71 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/47 - Minimum cycle time and Z lift tweaks.mp4 67.42 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/48 - Swing time tweaks English.vtt 1.48 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/48 - Swing time tweaks.mp4 19.92 MB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/49 - Clamping the IK distance to prevent popping English.vtt 8.52 KB
3 - Velocity cycles and leg movement/49 - Clamping the IK distance to prevent popping.mp4 101.48 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/50 - Pelvis motion initial setup English.vtt 7 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/50 - Pelvis motion initial setup.mp4 78.5 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/51 - Pelvis sin cycle English.vtt 2.87 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/51 - Pelvis sin cycle.mp4 21.18 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/52 - Pelvis updown offset English.vtt 5.04 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/52 - Pelvis updown offset.mp4 59.61 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/53 - Pelvis bob based on speed English.vtt 3.03 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/53 - Pelvis bob based on speed.mp4 35.48 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/54 - Pelvis leftright swing English.vtt 10.9 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/54 - Pelvis leftright swing.mp4 131.96 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/55 - Shoulder swing compensation English.vtt 9.99 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/55 - Shoulder swing compensation.mp4 110.93 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/56 - Neck rotation English.vtt 3.26 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/56 - Neck rotation.mp4 41.7 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/57 - Save foot platform outputs for later English.vtt 5.07 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/57 - Save foot platform outputs for later.mp4 60.13 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/58 - Pelvis offset diagram English.vtt 7.99 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/58 - Pelvis offset diagram.mp4 20.45 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/59 - Calculate target pelvis rotation English.vtt 6.71 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/59 - Calculate target pelvis rotation.mp4 76.38 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/60 - Save and visualize movement angle offset English.vtt 4.12 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/60 - Save and visualize movement angle offset.mp4 54.94 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/61 - Offset the landing spot foot angle English.vtt 1.89 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/61 - Offset the landing spot foot angle.mp4 25 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/62 - Rotate IK pole vector English.vtt 3.75 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/62 - Rotate IK pole vector.mp4 48.55 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/63 - Rotate pelvis to match foot rotation average English.vtt 5.88 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/63 - Rotate pelvis to match foot rotation average.mp4 72.23 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/64 - Head rotation fix English.vtt 2.54 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/64 - Head rotation fix.mp4 32.77 MB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/65 - Foot separation English.vtt 4.79 KB
4 - Pelvis and spine control/65 - Foot separation.mp4 61.3 MB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/66 - Reduce rotation offset English.vtt 1.36 KB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/66 - Reduce rotation offset.mp4 16.55 MB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/67 - Snapping issues English.vtt 3.1 KB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/67 - Snapping issues.mp4 40.46 MB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/68 - Creating vector lerp linear interpolate function English.vtt 4.52 KB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/68 - Creating vector lerp linear interpolate function.mp4 46.09 MB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/69 - Velocity smoothing English.vtt 8.1 KB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/69 - Velocity smoothing.mp4 94.78 MB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/70 - Movement angle offset smoothing English.vtt 5 KB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/70 - Movement angle offset smoothing.mp4 62.73 MB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/71 - Sideways movement foot rotations English.vtt 2.94 KB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/71 - Sideways movement foot rotations.mp4 39.09 MB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/72 - Locked foot rotation limits English.vtt 7.42 KB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/72 - Locked foot rotation limits.mp4 95.1 MB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/73 - Relax midair foot English.vtt 10.47 KB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/73 - Relax midair foot.mp4 129.84 MB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/74 - Leg intersection problem English.vtt 2.02 KB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/74 - Leg intersection problem.mp4 26.24 MB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/75 - Basic foot avoidance English.vtt 6.65 KB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/75 - Basic foot avoidance.mp4 81.13 MB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/76 - Dynamic stride length English.vtt 5.77 KB
5 - Smoothing and rotation limits/76 - Dynamic stride length.mp4 62.56 MB
6 - Arm motion/77 - Arm motion setup English.vtt 8.35 KB
6 - Arm motion/77 - Arm motion setup.mp4 96.92 MB
6 - Arm motion/78 - Arm IK English.vtt 5.85 KB
6 - Arm motion/78 - Arm IK.mp4 63.18 MB
6 - Arm motion/79 - Arm swing English.vtt 4.41 KB
6 - Arm motion/79 - Arm swing.mp4 51.99 MB
6 - Arm motion/80 - Arm swing sync English.vtt 3.25 KB
6 - Arm motion/80 - Arm swing sync.mp4 40.87 MB
6 - Arm motion/81 - Arm swing based on speed English.vtt 7.56 KB
6 - Arm motion/81 - Arm swing based on speed.mp4 102.02 MB
6 - Arm motion/82 - Swing angle offset English.vtt 7.74 KB
6 - Arm motion/82 - Swing angle offset.mp4 101.51 MB
6 - Arm motion/83 - Reduce arm swing running backwards English.vtt 2.7 KB
6 - Arm motion/83 - Reduce arm swing running backwards.mp4 32.94 MB
6 - Arm motion/84 - Arm swing sync improvements English.vtt 1.25 KB
6 - Arm motion/84 - Arm swing sync improvements.mp4 18.72 MB
6 - Arm motion/85 - Shoulder bobbing English.vtt 5.5 KB
6 - Arm motion/85 - Shoulder bobbing.mp4 76.96 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/100 - Use the accurate leg pole vectors English.vtt 9.94 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/100 - Use the accurate leg pole vectors.mp4 124.47 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/101 - Use the accurate arm pole vectors English.vtt 3.92 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/101 - Use the accurate arm pole vectors.mp4 51.38 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/102 - Smoothing the predicted landing spot English.vtt 4.18 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/102 - Smoothing the predicted landing spot.mp4 59.63 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/103 - Smoother interpolation English.vtt 1.92 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/103 - Smoother interpolation.mp4 14.51 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/104 - Improved smoothing and replacing all blendspeeds English.vtt 9.2 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/104 - Improved smoothing and replacing all blendspeeds.mp4 112.61 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/105 - Sideways movement arm raise English.vtt 7.18 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/105 - Sideways movement arm raise.mp4 97.06 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/106 - Foot angle offset tweaks English.vtt 3.44 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/106 - Foot angle offset tweaks.mp4 42.78 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/107 - Side movement pelvis tweaks English.vtt 2.53 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/107 - Side movement pelvis tweaks.mp4 36.4 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/86 - Foot twist fix English.vtt 5.4 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/86 - Foot twist fix.mp4 71.83 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/87 - Leaning English.vtt 10.05 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/87 - Leaning.mp4 134.22 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/88 - Arm lift tweaks English.vtt 3.23 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/88 - Arm lift tweaks.mp4 44.8 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/89 - Pelvis tilt English.vtt 8.42 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/89 - Pelvis tilt.mp4 109.16 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/90 - Pelvis tilt overcompensation English.vtt 2.11 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/90 - Pelvis tilt overcompensation.mp4 32.76 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/91 - IK clamp fix English.vtt 1.82 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/91 - IK clamp fix.mp4 25.52 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/92 - Feet lagging improvements English.vtt 8.37 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/92 - Feet lagging improvements.mp4 114.9 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/93 - Extra smoothed velocity English.vtt 5.3 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/93 - Extra smoothed velocity.mp4 69.15 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/94 - Dynamic rotation factor English.vtt 11.02 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/94 - Dynamic rotation factor.mp4 137.35 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/95 - Knee alignment with velocity English.vtt 3.14 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/95 - Knee alignment with velocity.mp4 41.34 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/96 - Foot angle for slanted surfaces English.vtt 5.78 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/96 - Foot angle for slanted surfaces.mp4 75.85 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/97 - Smooth pelvis offset based on a floor trace English.vtt 10.62 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/97 - Smooth pelvis offset based on a floor trace.mp4 134.66 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/98 - Using a better pose English.vtt 3.01 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/98 - Using a better pose.mp4 34.53 MB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/99 - Identifying issues exposed by the new pose English.vtt 2.53 KB
7 - Tweaks fixes and improvements/99 - Identifying issues exposed by the new pose.mp4 32.14 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/108 - No floor no problem English.vtt 5.81 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/108 - No floor no problem.mp4 83.24 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/109 - Lower foot trace for pelvis offset English.vtt 3.99 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/109 - Lower foot trace for pelvis offset.mp4 56.83 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/110 - Aim math result constraint English.vtt 2.92 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/110 - Aim math result constraint.mp4 43.05 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/111 - Check multiple landing spots English.vtt 15.65 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/111 - Check multiple landing spots.mp4 182.51 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/112 - Front of foot traces English.vtt 2.98 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/112 - Front of foot traces.mp4 38.61 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/113 - Find the flattest landing spot English.vtt 6.5 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/113 - Find the flattest landing spot.mp4 73.2 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/114 - Prefer higher spots English.vtt 3.42 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/114 - Prefer higher spots.mp4 40.24 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/115 - Prefer lower offsets English.vtt 4.23 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/115 - Prefer lower offsets.mp4 52.73 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/116 - Use the ideal landing spot English.vtt 6.64 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/116 - Use the ideal landing spot.mp4 87.25 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/117 - Prefer valid hits English.vtt 2.03 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/117 - Prefer valid hits.mp4 26.91 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/118 - More weight to the default landing spot English.vtt 7.26 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/118 - More weight to the default landing spot.mp4 94.91 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/119 - Setting up a basic walk course English.vtt 3.84 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/119 - Setting up a basic walk course.mp4 52.58 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/120 - Angle switch timing limitation English.vtt 4.83 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/120 - Angle switch timing limitation.mp4 60.35 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/121 - Foot avoidance function setup English.vtt 6.65 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/121 - Foot avoidance function setup.mp4 76.88 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/122 - Foot avoidance swings English.vtt 3.73 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/122 - Foot avoidance swings.mp4 40.35 MB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/123 - Foot avoidance based on the other foot English.vtt 11.6 KB
8 - Improved foot traces and foot avoidance/123 - Foot avoidance based on the other foot.mp4 145.97 MB
9 - Congratulations/124 - Next steps English.vtt 13.31 KB
9 - Congratulations/124 - Next steps.mp4 215.28 MB
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