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File List
Week 1/Project Files/High.obj 25.76 MB
Week 1/Project Files/Low.FBX 530.27 KB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 1 - Instructor Introduction.mp4 45.9 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 1 - Instructor Introduction_rus.mp3 4.44 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 10 - Exporting and Rendering.mp4 81.8 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 10 - Exporting and Rendering_rus.mp3 22.12 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 11 - Assignment.mp4 5.21 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 11 - Assignment_rus.mp3 2.48 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 2 - Course Introduction A.mp4 19.3 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 2 - Course Introduction A_rus.mp3 12.65 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 3 - Course Introduction B.mp4 45.9 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 3 - Course Introduction B_rus_rus.mp3 4.44 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 4 - Substance Painter UI.mp4 106.33 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 4 - Substance Painter UI_rus.mp3 44.46 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 5 - Setting up a scene and baking.mp4 62.55 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 5 - Setting up a scene and baking_rus.mp3 32.12 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 6 - Layers and Masks.mp4 39.51 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 6 - Layers and Masks_rus.mp3 20.04 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 7 - Texturing in Painter Part 01.mp4 106.16 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 7 - Texturing in Painter Part 01_rus.mp3 26.59 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 8 - Texturing in Painter Part 02.mp4 112.86 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 8 - Texturing in Painter Part 02_rus.mp3 34.1 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 9 - Smart Materials.mp4 21.07 MB
Week 1/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 1 - 9 - Smart Materials_rus.mp3 6.37 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Legs_AO.png 41.48 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Legs_Curvature.png 39.35 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Legs_ID.png 21.09 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Legs_NormalDirectX.png 57.01 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Legs_Position.png 24.29 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Legs_WorldSpace.png 61.3 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Skull_AO.png 28.39 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Skull_Curvature.png 51.15 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Skull_NormalDirectX.png 59.32 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Skull_Position.png 23.98 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Skull_WorldSpace.png 65.77 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Torso_AO.png 50.94 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Torso_Curvature.png 43.7 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Torso_ID.png 20.47 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Torso_NormalDirectX.png 62.71 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Torso_Position.png 24.33 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Baked_Maps/Torso_WorldSpace.png 67.38 MB
Week 2/Project Files/Chico_Low.fbx 1.76 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 1 - Introduction.mp4 8.26 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 1 - Introduction_rus.mp3 4.23 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 10 - Character Texturing 08.mp4 18.99 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 10 - Character Texturing 08_rus.mp3 6.81 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 11 - Exporting.mp4 155.35 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 11 - Exporting_rus.mp3 30.22 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 12 - UVs and Emissive.mp4 134.59 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 12 - UVs and Emissive_rus.mp3 24.02 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 13 - Assignment.mp4 7.33 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 13 - Assignment_rus.mp3 4.65 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 2 - PBR.mp4 112.83 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 2 - PBR_rus.mp3 26.35 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 3 - Character Texturing 01.mp4 75.29 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 3 - Character Texturing 01_rus.mp3 28.04 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 4 - Character Texturing 02.mp4 186.26 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 4 - Character Texturing 02_rus.mp3 45.7 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 5 - Character Texturing 03.mp4 116.76 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 5 - Character Texturing 03_rus.mp3 21.4 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 6 - Character Texturing 0 4.mp4 198.54 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 6 - Character Texturing 0 4_rus.mp3 31.06 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 7 - Character Texturing 05.mp4 164.22 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 7 - Character Texturing 05_rus.mp3 28.48 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 8 - Character Texturing 06.mp4 45.18 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 8 - Character Texturing 06_rus.mp3 14.76 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 9 - Character Texturing 07.mp4 126.44 MB
Week 2/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 2 - 9 - Character Texturing 07_rus.mp3 31.2 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Cloth_Low.fbx 1.46 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Shirt_AO.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Shirt_Curvature.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Shirt_ID.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Shirt_Normal.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Shirt_Position.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Shirt_Thickness.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Shirt_Worldspace.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Stuff_Ao.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Stuff_Curvature.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Stuff_ID.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Stuff_Normal.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Stuff_Position.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Stuff_Thickness.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Cloth/Stuff_WorldSpace.tga 48 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Face/Face_Obj.BMP 192 MB
Week 3/Project Files/Face/Face_Obj.mtl 103 B
Week 3/Project Files/Face/Face_Obj.OBJ 842.49 KB
Week 3/Project Files/Face/Face_Ztl.ZTL 146.43 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 1 - Introduction.mp4 5.23 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 1 - Introduction_rus.mp3 2.05 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 2 - Cloth Uvs.mp4 123.04 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 2 - Cloth Uvs_rus.mp3 8.05 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 3 - Cloth Texturing.mp4 485.88 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 3 - Cloth Texturing_rus.mp3 45.51 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 4 - Texture Resources.mp4 55.33 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 4 - Texture Resources_rus.mp3 6.37 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 5 - Face UVs.mp4 416.89 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 5 - Face UVs_rus.mp3 21.87 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 6 - Face Baking.mp4 101.76 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 6 - Face Baking_rus.mp3 13.58 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 7 - Cavity Map.mp4 43.97 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 7 - Cavity Map_rus.mp3 5.42 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 8 - Optimizing.mp4 32.78 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 8 - Optimizing_rus.mp3 5.97 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 9 - Assignment.mp4 6.28 MB
Week 3/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 3 - 9 - Assignment_rus.mp3 3.21 MB
Week 4/Project Files/Bakes/AO.tga 48 MB
Week 4/Project Files/Bakes/Cavity.tga 192 MB
Week 4/Project Files/Bakes/Curvature.tga 48 MB
Week 4/Project Files/Bakes/Normal.tga 48 MB
Week 4/Project Files/Bakes/Position.tga 48 MB
Week 4/Project Files/Bakes/Thickness.tga 48 MB
Week 4/Project Files/Bakes/WorldSpace.tga 48 MB
Week 4/Project Files/Reference/01.jpg 3.37 MB
Week 4/Project Files/Reference/02.jpg 1.2 MB
Week 4/Project Files/Substance Scene/Scene.spp 464.82 MB
Week 4/Project Files/Face_LowFBX.fbx 461.89 KB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 1 - Introduction.mp4 4.51 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 1 - Introduction_rus.mp3 2.03 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 2 - Texturing XYZ.mp4 160.34 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 2 - Texturing XYZ_rus.mp3 21.08 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 3 - Skin.mp4 236.88 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 3 - Skin_rus.mp3 21.85 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 4 - Skin Painting Techniques.mp4 81.56 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 4 - Skin Painting Techniques_rus.mp3 12.2 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 5 - Skin Painting Demo Part 1.mp4 379.79 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 5 - Skin Painting Demo Part 1_rus.mp3 27.66 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 6 - Skin Painting Demo Part 2.mp4 501.44 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 6 - Skin Painting Demo Part 2_rus.mp3 30.26 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 7 - Recap.mp4 161.27 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 7 - Recap_rus.mp3 21.88 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 8 - Assignment.mp4 16.56 MB
Week 4/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 4 - 8 - Assignment_rus.mp3 4.61 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 01 - Introduction.mp4 3.78 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 01 - Introduction_rus.mp3 1.17 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 02 - Finalizing.mp4 44.15 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 02 - Finalizing_rus.mp3 7.88 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 03 - Tatoos and Projection.mp4 100.71 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 03 - Tatoos and Projection_rus.mp3 14.84 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 04 - War Paint.mp4 149.34 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 04 - War Paint_rus.mp3 15.59 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 05 - Damages.mp4 280.39 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 05 - Damages_rus.mp3 24.58 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 06 - Supporting Maps A.mp4 97.31 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 06 - Supporting Maps A_rus.mp3 22.17 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 07 - Supporting Maps B.mp4 126.96 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 07 - Supporting Maps B_rus.mp3 24.51 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 08 - Assignment.mp4 4.9 MB
Week 5/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 5 - 08 - Assignment_rus.mp3 2.08 MB
Week 6/Project Files/Detail_Tileable/Detail_SKin.tga 12 MB
Week 6/Project Files/Jethani_SkinMat/Jethani_SkinMat/SSSProfile/SP_Head.uasset 3.04 KB
Week 6/Project Files/Jethani_SkinMat/Jethani_SkinMat/Textures/Default_Black.uasset 4.69 KB
Week 6/Project Files/Jethani_SkinMat/Jethani_SkinMat/Textures/Default_Grey.uasset 4.68 KB
Week 6/Project Files/Jethani_SkinMat/Jethani_SkinMat/Textures/Default_Normal.uasset 4.97 KB
Week 6/Project Files/Jethani_SkinMat/Jethani_SkinMat/Textures/Default_White.uasset 4.68 KB
Week 6/Project Files/Jethani_SkinMat/Jethani_SkinMat/Textures/Roughness.uasset 1.45 MB
Week 6/Project Files/Jethani_SkinMat/Jethani_SkinMat/SJ.uasset 410.08 KB
Week 6/Project Files/Jethani_SkinMat/ReadMe.txt 161 B
Week 6/Project Files/Marmoset Scene/Beauty_Shot_Scene_Marmoset.rar 98.38 MB
Week 6/Project Files/Marmoset Scene/Look_Dev_Scene_Marmoset.rar 952.72 KB
Week 6/Project Files/Objects/Chico_Low.fbx 1.76 MB
Week 6/Project Files/Objects/Cloth_Low.fbx 1.46 MB
Week 6/Project Files/Objects/Face_Low.fbx 461.89 KB
Week 6/Project Files/Objects/Robo_Low.fbx 330.88 KB
Week 6/Project Files/Alfred Roettinger - Realtime Eye – 84 B
Week 6/Project Files/Creating Realistic Skin in Toolbag with Saurabh Jethani - Marmoset.url 100 B
Week 6/Project Files/How to Create Realistic Hair, Peach Fuzz, and Eyes - Marmoset.url 101 B
Week 6/Project Files/John O. Owsment Skin Detail Shader.url 60 B
Week 6/Project Files/Peter Zoppi Realistic Eyes for Games.url 60 B
Week 6/Project Files/Saurabh Jethani - Creating realistic skin in UE4 – 100 B
Week 6/Project Files/Skin Material for UE4.url 53 B
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 01 - Introduction.mp4 4.92 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 01 - Introduction_rus.mp3 1.78 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 02 -Exporting.mp4 75.19 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 02 -Exporting_rus.mp3 16.65 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 03 - Marmoset Material.mp4 224.52 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 03 - Marmoset Material_rus.mp3 20.91 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 04 - Marmoset Cloth Material.mp4 86.34 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 04 - Marmoset Cloth Material_rus.mp3 9.09 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 05 - Marmoset Skin Material.mp4 280.02 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 05 - Marmoset Skin Material_rus.mp3 24.34 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 06 - Skin Look Dev.mp4 426.64 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 06 - Skin Look Dev_rus.mp3 43.99 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 07 - Unreal Material Part 1.mp4 527.56 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 07 - Unreal Material Part 1_rus.mp3 39.19 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 08 - Unreal Material Part 2.mp4 697.58 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 08 - Unreal Material Part 2_rus.mp3 64.4 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 09 - Unreal Skin Setup.mp4 521.99 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 09 - Unreal Skin Setup_rus.mp3 16.74 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 10 - Bonus Eye Video.mp4 348.07 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 10 - Bonus Eye Video_rus.mp3 46.52 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 11 - Lights.mp4 580.12 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 11 - Lights_rus.mp3 51.62 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 12 - Presentation.mp4 252.32 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 12 - Presentation_rus.mp3 24.32 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 13 - Assignment.mp4 27.79 MB
Week 6/Character Texturing for Games in Substance week 6 - 13 - Assignment_rus.mp3 8.72 MB
Download Info
“[CGMA 3D] - Character Texturing for Games in Substance [ENG-RUS]” Its related downloads are collected from the DHT sharing network, the site will be 24 hours of real-time updates, to ensure that you get the latest resources.This site is not responsible for the authenticity of the resources, please pay attention to screening.If found bad resources, please send a report below the right, we will be the first time shielding.
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