mp4 Evenant.Cinematic.Music.II.From.The.First.Track.And.Beyond
Hot:125 Size:31.41 GB Created:2022-03-29 16:51:13 File Count:73
Module 7 - Analysis & Breakdown/07 - Areia (Orchestral Track Breakdown & Analysis).mp4 2.93 GB
Module 4 - Track Structure Tricks/01 - Making your Track Grow and Evolve Better.mp4 1.22 GB
Module 5 - Power of the Orchestra/01 -Creating Beautiful Lush Orchestral textures.mp4 982.37 MB
Module 2 - Melody & Harmony (Tips)/04 - Chromatic Mediants.mp4 930.65 MB
Module 2 - Melody & Harmony (Tips)/06 - Writing More Effective Melodies.mp4 796.86 MB