Showing 161-180 of 8,703 items.

vob The Baker

Hot:373  Size:3.61 GB  Created:2017-08-27 23:26:53  File Count:13


avi The Baker

Hot:152  Size:1.37 GB  Created:2017-08-29 19:31:46  File Count:3

The Baker (  1.37 GB
The Baker (  41.3 KB - Best Movies BitTorrent Network.url  81 B


Hot:680  Size:4.47 GB  Created:2017-08-27 23:59:15  File Count:25

BDMV/BACKUP/CLIPINF/00000.clpi  14.2 KB
BDMV/BACKUP/CLIPINF/00001.clpi  4.34 KB
BDMV/BACKUP/CLIPINF/00002.clpi  292 B
BDMV/BACKUP/CLIPINF/00003.clpi  292 B
BDMV/BACKUP/index.bdmv  120 B


Hot:76  Size:4.47 GB  Created:2022-07-04 09:46:57  File Count:25

BDMV/BACKUP/CLIPINF/00000.clpi  14.2 KB
BDMV/BACKUP/CLIPINF/00001.clpi  4.34 KB
BDMV/BACKUP/CLIPINF/00002.clpi  292 B
BDMV/BACKUP/CLIPINF/00003.clpi  292 B
BDMV/BACKUP/index.bdmv  120 B

mp4 Introduction to Guitar

Hot:71  Size:909.69 MB  Created:2019-12-27 08:43:00  File Count:65

5 - 3 -Barre Chords.MP4  46.72 MB
2 - 3 - Tuning Your Guitar by Matching (10-45).MP4  40.5 MB
5 - 1 - Major Triad Chords.MP4  36.96 MB
2 - 5 - Picking Technique (10-07).mp4  36.61 MB
2 - 6 - Finger Picking (8-42).MP4  36.37 MB

wmv Introduction to Grails

Hot:430  Size:319.8 MB  Created:2017-10-05 04:51:36  File Count:74

06. Grails Security/04. Demo Authentication with Spring Security.wmv  27.09 MB
01. Introduction to Grails/08. Demo Currency Conversion.wmv  24.28 MB
05. Grails Controllers and Server Pages/12. Demo Adding A Form.wmv  15.71 MB
03. Grails Tools/09. Demo Scaffold Generation.wmv  15.64 MB
04. Grails Domain Classes and GORM/14. Demo Queries.wmv  13.28 MB

m4v An Introduction To UVMapping

Hot:76  Size:722.9 MB  Created:2017-08-30 03:19:26  File Count:11

UVMappingWithTheUnwrapModifer_Part9.m4v  113.37 MB
UVMappingWithTheUnwrapModifer_Part5.m4v  105.68 MB
UVMappingWithTheUnwrapModifer_Part6.m4v  91.28 MB
UVMappingWithTheUnwrapModifer_Part7.m4v  87.92 MB
UVMappingWithTheUnwrapModifer_Part2.m4v  80.28 MB

mp4 An Introduction to Algorithmics

Hot:1082  Size:590.6 MB  Created:2017-08-26 15:14:09  File Count:58

05 Looking Ahead to Some Very Hard Problems/  1.84 KB
02 Measuring Performance/05.Big  2.57 KB
02 Measuring Performance/07.Amortized  2.61 KB
04 Operating on Data Efficiently with Common Algorithms/  3.13 KB
02 Measuring Performance/08.Lessons  4.13 KB

mov Introduction to OpenStack

Hot:95  Size:7.28 GB  Created:2017-08-27 22:27:12  File Count:49  139.73 MB  233.27 MB  90 MB  185.65 MB  179.61 MB

mp4 Introduction to Astronomy

Hot:692  Size:2.67 GB  Created:2017-09-02 03:56:04  File Count:417

Universe 8th Edition.pdf  88.2 MB
Week1/1 - 1 - Week 1 - 1 Positional Astronomy Introduction (1416).mp4  23.49 MB
Week1/1 - 1 - Week 1 - 1 Positional Astronomy Introduction (1416).srt  19.9 KB
Week1/1 - 1 - Week 1 - 1 Positional Astronomy Introduction (1416).vtt  19.9 KB
Week1/1 - 2 - Week 1 - 2 The Celestial Sphere (2034).mp4  38.18 MB

mp4 Introduction to Logic

Hot:1083  Size:327.28 MB  Created:2017-08-26 12:24:44  File Count:315

Video Lectures/5 - 1 - 5.1 Propositional Satisfiability (16 min).mp4  12.69 MB
Video Lectures/10 - 3 - 10.3 Syntax and Semantics (14 min).mp4  11.42 MB
Video Lectures/8 - 3 - 8.3 Unification (14 min).mp4  10.99 MB
Video Lectures/11 - 4 - 11.4 General Game Playing (14 min).mp4  10.87 MB
Video Lectures/4 - 5 - 4.5 Box Logic (out of focus).mp4  8.59 MB

avi Introduction - As Biscatinhas

Hot:25  Size:647.29 MB  Created:2017-09-23 16:44:07  File Count:5

4. Gisele Prado.avi  156.23 MB
5. Hellen Ferraz.avi  139.44 MB
3. Ariane Manzolli.avi  132.53 MB
2. Rubi Mello.avi  121.03 MB
1. Laura Lemos.avi  98.05 MB

wmv Introduction to PhoneGap

Hot:222  Size:296.47 MB  Created:2017-08-27 13:40:09  File Count:91

02.Environment Setup/02.Development Options.wmv  20.93 MB
04.PhoneGap API/03.API Overview.wmv  17.08 MB
03.Mobile UIs/08.Saving Data.wmv  13.83 MB
05.PhoneGap Build/07.Configuration.wmv  13.16 MB
02.Environment Setup/06.Running in a Browser.wmv  12.63 MB

avi Introduction - As Biscatinhas

Hot:3  Size:647.29 MB  Created:2019-02-28 11:18:55  File Count:5

As Biscatinhas - 4. Gisele Prado.avi  156.23 MB
As Biscatinhas - 5. Hellen Ferraz.avi  139.44 MB
As Biscatinhas - 3. Ariane Manzolli.avi  132.53 MB
As Biscatinhas - 2. Rubi Mello.avi  121.03 MB
As Biscatinhas - 1. Laura Lemos.avi  98.05 MB

mp4 Introduction to Unity

Hot:88  Size:2.95 GB  Created:2017-08-28 05:10:46  File Count:97

10.Unity API.mp4  185.48 MB
12.Animation Part 2.mp4  170.6 MB
03.Using the Scene and Game Views.mp4  163.28 MB
09.Scripting (part 2).mp4  159.3 MB
02.Using The Interface.mp4  155.17 MB