Showing 21-40 of 6,756 items.

mp4 [02-2021] advanced-rest-apis-flask-python

Hot:640  Size:5.14 GB  Created:2022-03-30 14:06:37  File Count:426

04 Advanced e-mail confirmation/046 Creating the ConfirmationModel.mp4  168.77 MB
01 Introduction/001 Why you should take this course!.mp4  54.48 MB
01 Introduction/002 4 things you should know before starting this course.html  610 B
01 Introduction/002 The-Discord-Server.txt  27 B
01 Introduction/003 Introduction to this  1.99 KB

mp4 [] Udemy - REST APIs with Flask and Python in 2023

Hot:10  Size:2.06 GB  Created:2023-12-05 09:41:44  File Count:275

0. Websites you may like/[CourseClub.Me].url  122 B
0. Websites you may like/[].url  127 B
0. Websites you may like/[GigaCourse.Com].url  49 B
01 - Welcome!/001 How to take this course.html  2 KB
01 - Welcome!/002 Python on Windows.html  2.33 KB

mp4 Udemy - Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Beginner

Hot:11  Size:4.78 GB  Created:2019-09-06 05:51:36  File Count:239

13. Deploying our API to a server on AWS/4. Add deployment script and configs to our project.mp4  168.56 MB
10. Create Profiles API/2. Create user profile serializer.mp4  163.1 MB
6. Setup the Database/3. Add a user model manager.mp4  158.64 MB
8. Introduction to API Views/2. Create first APIView.mp4  148.86 MB
8. Introduction to API Views/6. Add POST method to APIView.mp4  143.31 MB

mp4 [FreeTutorials.Us] Udemy - Build a Python REST API with the Django Rest Framework

Hot:839  Size:1.66 GB  Created:2019-11-02 15:21:40  File Count:204

3. Pure Django API/19. One Endpoint to Rule the Model.mp4  85.92 MB
4. Django Rest Framework/41. Testing with a Temporary Image.mp4  57.49 MB
3. Pure Django API/18. Update & Delete Part 2.mp4  53.34 MB
4. Django Rest Framework/2. Install Django Rest Framework.mp4  50.79 MB
4. Django Rest Framework/40. Testing API.mp4  50.77 MB

mp4 [FreeCoursesOnline.Me] Eduonix - Build Python REST API with Django REST Framework

Hot:1  Size:1.4 GB  Created:2023-08-12 19:54:36  File Count:24

0. Websites you may like/2. Download Cracked Developers Applications For Free.url  239 B Download Udacity, Masterclass, Lynda, PHLearn, etc Free.url  290 B
0. Websites you may like/1. Premium Cracked Accounts-Tutorials-Guides-Articles Community Based Forum.url  377 B
Resources/  21.81 KB
14. Model Viewset.mp4  13.67 MB

mp4 [CourseClub.Me] Eduonix - Build Python REST API with Django REST Framework

Hot:2  Size:1.4 GB  Created:2024-06-01 11:56:52  File Count:25

0. Websites you may like/[CourseClub.Me].url  122 B
0. Websites you may like/[GigaCourse.Com].url  49 B
01. Course Introduction.mp4  38.62 MB
02. Introduction Installation.mp4  65.99 MB
03. Create App and Django Models.mp4  83.9 MB

mp4 [FreeCoursesOnline.Me] Eduonix - Build Python REST API with Django REST Framework

Hot:27  Size:1.4 GB  Created:2023-08-21 21:05:16  File Count:24

0. Websites you may like/1. Premium Cracked Accounts-Tutorials-Guides-Articles Community Based Forum.url  377 B
0. Websites you may like/2. Download Cracked Developers Applications For Free.url  239 B
01. Course Introduction.mp4  38.62 MB
02. Introduction Installation.mp4  65.99 MB
03. Create App and Django Models.mp4  83.9 MB

mp4 [] Udemy - Python REST APIs with Flask, Docker, MongoDB, and AWS DevOps

Hot:141  Size:5.04 GB  Created:2019-04-25 08:20:51  File Count:101

9. Deploying Restful API into AWS EC2 Instance/1. Deploying.mp4  288.03 MB
5. Project Database as a Service Restful API/2. Building the Sentences API Part 2.mp4  265.78 MB
3. Docker/3. Dockerizing our First Application.mp4  232.67 MB
7. Project Building an Image Recognition Restful API using Tensorflow and Deeplear/4. Building an Image Classification API, Classification Function Part 4.mp4  230.25 MB
8. Project Building a Restful API to handle Bank Transactions/2. Building a Bank API, Part 2.mp4  205.74 MB

mp4 [] Udemy - Python REST APIs with Flask, Docker, MongoDB, and AWS DevOps

Hot:794  Size:5.16 GB  Created:2019-12-29 00:20:45  File Count:147

9. Deploying Restful API into AWS EC2 Instance/1. Deploying.mp4  362.56 MB
5. Project Database as a Service Restful API/2. Building the Sentences API Part 2.mp4  265.78 MB
3. Docker/3. Dockerizing our First Application.mp4  232.66 MB
7. Project Building an Image Recognition Restful API using Tensorflow and Deeplear/4. Building an Image Classification..Part 4.mp4  230.24 MB
8. Project Building a Restful API to handle Bank Transactions/2. Building a Bank API, Part 2.mp4  180.94 MB

mp4 [] Udemy - Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Beginner

Hot:213  Size:1.22 GB  Created:2019-10-26 14:08:45  File Count:207

6. Setup the Database/2. Create our user database model.mp4  41.71 MB
2. Setting up your development environment/1. Installing Git, VirtualBox, Vagrant, Atom and ModHeader.mp4  38.12 MB
2. Setting up your development environment/1. Installing Git, VirtualBox, Vagrant, Atom and ModHeader.vtt  38.12 MB
13. Deploying our API to a server on AWS/4. Create and launch an EC2 instance.mp4  37.55 MB
13. Deploying our API to a server on AWS/3. Add deployment script and configs to our project.mp4  33.92 MB

mp4 [GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Advanced

Hot:4  Size:3.93 GB  Created:2022-05-10 03:07:41  File Count:180

0. Websites you may like/[CourseClub.ME].url  122 B
0. Websites you may like/[GigaCourse.Com].url  49 B
01 Introduction/001 Welcome to Build a Backend API with Django REST Framework -  3.42 KB
01 Introduction/001 Welcome to Build a Backend API with Django REST Framework - Advanced.mp4  44.8 MB
01 Introduction/002 Intro to the  3.19 KB

mp4 [] Udemy - Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Beginner

Hot:5704  Size:4.78 GB  Created:2020-04-07 09:07:24  File Count:241

13. Deploying our API to a server on AWS/4. Add deployment script and configs to our project.mp4  168.56 MB
10. Create Profiles API/2. Create user profile serializer.mp4  163.1 MB
6. Setup the Database/3. Add a user model manager.mp4  158.64 MB
8. Introduction to API Views/2. Create first APIView.mp4  148.86 MB
8. Introduction to API Views/6. Add POST method to APIView.mp4  143.31 MB

mp4 [] Udemy - Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Advanced

Hot:5  Size:2.53 GB  Created:2022-05-27 04:31:44  File Count:394

0. Websites you may like/[CourseClub.Me].url  122 B
0. Websites you may like/[].url  127 B
0. Websites you may like/[GigaCourse.Com].url  49 B
01 - Introduction/001 Welcome to Build a Backend API with Django REST Framework - Advanced.mp4  44.8 MB
01 - Introduction/001 Welcome to Build a Backend API with Django REST Framework - Advanced_en.vtt  3 KB

mp4 [Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Advanced

Hot:15  Size:2.53 GB  Created:2022-06-07 20:20:15  File Count:396

0. Websites you may like/[Tutorialsplanet.NET].url  128 B
01 - Introduction/001 Welcome to Build a Backend API with Django REST Framework - Advanced.mp4  44.8 MB
01 - Introduction/001 Welcome to Build a Backend API with Django REST Framework - Advanced_en.vtt  3 KB
01 - Introduction/002 Finished-project-on-GitHub.url  76 B
01 - Introduction/002 Intro to the course.mp4  51.85 MB

mp4 [] Udemy - Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Advanced

Hot:25  Size:5.51 GB  Created:2022-04-18 11:58:34  File Count:165

01 Introduction/001 Welcome to Build a Backend API with Django REST Framework -  3.3 KB
01 Introduction/001 Welcome to Build a Backend API with Django REST Framework - Advanced.mp4  44.8 MB
01 Introduction/002 Intro to the  3.09 KB
01 Introduction/002 Intro to the course.mp4  51.85 MB
01 Introduction/003 Course  1.47 KB

mp4 [] Udemy - Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Advanced

Hot:67  Size:3.93 GB  Created:2022-04-22 13:30:07  File Count:170

0. Websites you may like/[CourseClub.ME].url  122 B
0. Websites you may like/[FCS Forum].url  133 B
0. Websites you may like/[].url  127 B
0. Websites you may like/[GigaCourse.Com].url  49 B
01 Introduction/001 Welcome to Build a Backend API with Django REST Framework -  3.42 KB

mp4 [] Udemy - Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Beginner

Hot:45  Size:2.15 GB  Created:2022-06-25 12:39:25  File Count:241

0. Websites you may like/[CourseClub.Me].url  122 B
0. Websites you may like/[].url  127 B
0. Websites you may like/[GigaCourse.Com].url  49 B
01 - Course introduction/001 Command-Line-Cheatsheet.url  138 B
01 - Course introduction/001 Introduction.mp4  29.39 MB