Showing 121-140 of 5,099 items.

mp4 [FreeTutorials.Us] Udemy - Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks in Python

Hot:1431  Size:1.03 GB  Created:2019-08-18 16:56:22  File Count:94

8. Appendix/2. Windows-Focused Environment Setup 2018.mp4  186.42 MB
2. Convolution/1. Real-Life Examples of Convolution.mp4  82.19 MB
5. Convolutional Neural Network in TensorFlow/2. TensorFlow - Full CNN and Test on SVHN.mp4  79.1 MB
7. Project Facial Expression Recognition/5. Convolutional Net in Theano.mp4  51.69 MB
7. Project Facial Expression Recognition/6. Convolutional Net in TensorFlow.mp4  47.69 MB

mp4 [FreeTutorials.Us] unsupervised-deep-learning-in-python

Hot:1431  Size:556.36 MB  Created:2017-08-26 08:27:29  File Count:40

01 Introduction and Outline/001 Introduction and Outline.mp4  3.27 MB
01 Introduction and Outline/002 Where does this course fit into your deep learning studies.mp4  5.18 MB
01 Introduction and Outline/003 How to Succeed in this Course.mp4  9.52 MB
02 Principal Components Analysis/004 What does PCA do.mp4  11.49 MB
02 Principal Components Analysis/005 PCA derivation.mp4  6.66 MB

mp4 Machine Learning Машинное обучение. Курс от Яндекса. Воронцов Константин Вячеславович

Hot:1428  Size:46.01 GB  Created:2017-08-28 14:58:32  File Count:49

00 Вступление/Машинное обучение.mp4  77.92 MB
01 Основные понятия и примеры прикладных задач/Лекция 14.02.mp4  1.86 GB
02 Байесовские алгоритмы классификации, непараметрические методы/MA21022012Lnewcompressed.mp4  1.85 GB
03 Параметрические методы, нормальный дискриминантный анализ/MA28022012Lcompressed.mp4  1.84 GB
04 EM-алгоритм и сеть радиальных базисных функций/MA06032012S.mpg  1.13 GB

mp4 Machine Learning with Python - Data Science for Beginners

Hot:1420  Size:1.18 GB  Created:2019-03-09 15:33:54  File Count:76

02 Introduction to Data Scientists Toolbox/022 Data Visualization.mp4  60.69 MB
03 Exploratory Data Analysis Feature Engineering and Hypothesis Testing/029 Bivariate Analysis.mp4  55.23 MB
02 Introduction to Data Scientists Toolbox/018 Data Engineering.mp4  49.75 MB
02 Introduction to Data Scientists Toolbox/015 Datatypes demo.mp4  41.72 MB
04 Machine Learning/054 Cross Validation Hyperparameter Demo.mp4  41.55 MB

mp4 [FreeCoursesOnline.Me] Coursera - Machine Learning

Hot:1419  Size:1.82 GB  Created:2019-08-08 10:26:13  File Count:229

027.SVMs in Practice/076. Using An SVM.mp4  31.99 MB
009.Octave Matlab Tutorial/028. Moving Data Around.mp4  29.53 MB
025.Large Margin Classification/073. Mathematics Behind Large Margin Classification.mp4  28.48 MB
019.Application of Neural Networks/058. Autonomous Driving.mp4  28.3 MB
011.Logistic Regression Model/038. Advanced Optimization.mp4  26.77 MB

mp4 BBC_Learning_English_Pronunciation

Hot:1410  Size:679.77 MB  Created:2017-08-26 20:48:50  File Count:102

BBC Learning English Pronunciation Tips_files/alex_203x152.jpg  10.67 KB
BBC Learning English Pronunciation Tips_files/bbc_800_copyright_for_le.gif  137 B
BBC Learning English Pronunciation Tips_files/con_other_1.gif  310 B
BBC Learning English Pronunciation Tips_files/con_other_2.gif  287 B
BBC Learning English Pronunciation Tips_files/con_other_3.gif  305 B

mp4 [self-learning] Курс по T-SQL Путь программиста от новичка к профессионалу Уровень 2 - Продвинутый (2020)

Hot:1407  Size:767.96 MB  Created:2022-04-17 06:50:05  File Count:126

Урок 17 – Ограничения/Видеоурок 17.mp4  88.03 MB
Урок 0 - Введение/Введение.pdf  43.77 KB
Урок 0 - Введение/Видеоурок 0.mp4  29.56 MB
Урок 1 – Типы данных/Видеоурок 1.mp4  73.72 MB
Урок 1 – Типы данных/Тестирование.pdf  806.93 KB

mp4 Infiniteskills - Learning Ubuntu Linux

Hot:1403  Size:810.69 MB  Created:2017-08-26 06:19:30  File Count:92

Torrent Downloaded From  352 B
LEARNING_UBUNTU_LINUX/10. Wrapping Up/10_01-Review.mp4  6.72 MB
LEARNING_UBUNTU_LINUX/10. Wrapping Up/10_02-Next Steps.mp4  6.34 MB
LEARNING_UBUNTU_LINUX/02. Installation/02_05-Disk Creation.mp4  4.64 MB
LEARNING_UBUNTU_LINUX/02. Installation/02_06-Users At Creation.mp4  5.46 MB

mp4 Lynda – Learning SOLIDWORKS PCB []

Hot:1390  Size:327.02 MB  Created:2019-02-23 11:58:09  File Count:65

022 Design rule checks.mp4  23.07 MB
021 Placing footprints.mp4  21.83 MB
024 Vias and auto-routing.mp4  17.03 MB
019 Setting the origin.mp4  14.34 MB
011 Wiring the schematic.mp4  13.7 MB

mp4 Learning Drupal 8 Training Video Tutorial

Hot:1382  Size:2.04 GB  Created:2017-09-09 15:33:30  File Count:119

01. Introduction/01_04-How To Access Your Working Files.mp4  24.74 MB
01. Introduction/01_03-What Is Drupal.mp4  3.62 MB
01. Introduction/01_01-Introduction.mp4  3.12 MB
01. Introduction/01_02-About The Author.mp4  2.75 MB
02. Installing Drupal/02_02-Preparing A Local System.mp4  38.69 MB

flv deep learning

Hot:1372  Size:104.38 MB  Created:2017-08-29 09:19:27  File Count:1

deep learning.flv  104.38 MB

mp4 John Maxwell - Learning To Become A Person Of Influence

Hot:1366  Size:781.02 MB  Created:2017-08-26 15:51:13  File Count:4

JohnCMaxwell_01_LearningToBecomeAPersonOfInfluence_2002.mp4  206.01 MB
JohnCMaxwell_02_LearningToBecomeAPersonOfInfluence_2002.mp4  229.44 MB
JohnCMaxwell_03_LearningToBecomeAPersonOfInfluence_2002.mp4  223.59 MB
JohnCMaxwell_04_LearningToBecomeAPersonOfInfluence_2002.mp4  121.98 MB

mp4 Learning C Sharp dotNet Programming Training Video Tutorial-SaRGN

Hot:1361  Size:1.54 GB  Created:2017-08-27 07:01:56  File Count:117

01. Introduction/01_01-What's Covered.mp4  8.12 MB
01. Introduction/01_02-Author Bio.mp4  3.56 MB
02. Getting Started/02_02-Visual C# Express Overview.mp4  10.4 MB
02. Getting Started/02_01-Visual C# Express Install.mp4  10.19 MB
03. Your First C# Program/03_01-Entering And Running The Program.mp4  19.47 MB

mkv TTC, TGC - The Learning Brain

Hot:1359  Size:2.32 GB  Created:2020-05-11 20:50:31  File Count:25

TTC - The Learning Brain 24_ Optimizing Your Learning.mkv  118.95 MB
TTC - The Learning Brain 01_ Learning 101.mkv  115.52 MB
TTC - The Learning Brain 11_ Language Acquisition.mkv  112.82 MB
TTC - The Learning Brain 15_ Introduction to Working Memory.mkv  107.71 MB
TTC - The Learning Brain 13_ Strategies for Effective Skill Learning.mkv  103.95 MB

mp4 O'Reilly - Learning CPP Best Practices

Hot:1347  Size:564.34 MB  Created:2017-08-27 14:14:35  File Count:44

01. Introduction/01_01-Introduction.mp4  10.13 MB
01. Introduction/01_02-About The Author.mp4  4.73 MB
01. Introduction/01_03-Overview Of C Best Practices Online Book.mp4  3.83 MB
01. Introduction/01_04-Use The Correct Types And Const As Much As Possible.mp4  6.73 MB
01. Introduction/01_05-Use The Tools Available.mp4  14.36 MB

mp4 A Practical Guide to Machine Learning with TensorFlow 2.0 & Keras

Hot:1332  Size:2.24 GB  Created:2021-06-23 04:42:49  File Count:43

4. Image Processing & Model Training/7. Training a Model.mp4  109.42 MB
5. Convolution & Pooling/3. Diagramming Convolutions & Pooling.mp4  107.45 MB
5. Convolution & Pooling/6. Neural Network Attention.mp4  107.17 MB
6. Text Analytics/2. Natural Language Processing.mp4  92.96 MB
3. Linear Regression/8. Learning Rate & Gradients.mp4  87.22 MB

mp4 Infiniteskills Learning AutoCAD Electrical 2014

Hot:1330  Size:1.53 GB  Created:2017-08-29 16:59:51  File Count:485

Disk 1/data/movies/0205.mp4  19 MB
Disk 2/data/movies/1210.mp4  18.37 MB
Disk 1/data/movies/0603.mp4  17.91 MB
Disk 1/data/movies/0606.mp4  17.73 MB
Disk 2/VideoPlayerPC.exe  17.69 MB