Showing 101-120 of 1,593 items.

mp4 Pluralsight - Introducing the Office UI Fabric

Hot:503  Size:162.45 MB  Created:2017-10-10 21:56:02  File Count:24

01. Introducing Office UI Fabric/01_05-Demo Markup for the Excel Addin.mp4  31.89 MB
01. Introducing Office UI Fabric/01_03-Demo Markup for the SharePoint Hosted Addin.mp4  25.66 MB
02. UI Elements/02_11-Demo Fabric Explorer Grid System.mp4  14.97 MB
02. UI Elements/02_03-Demo Fabric Explorer Typography.mp4  8.71 MB
03. Components/03_04-Demo Component Plugins.mp4  8.56 MB