Showing 41-60 of 2,592 items.

mp4 [] Udemy - Complete React JS web developer with ES6 - Build 10 projects

Hot:1884  Size:1.89 GB  Created:2020-05-27 10:17:48  File Count:154

10. After launch updates/1. Project 11 - Complete youtube video fetching app.mp4  112.53 MB
10. After launch updates/2. Redux Fundamentals - as easy as possible.mp4  69.28 MB
4. 3 Projects and routers in react JS/2. First Blog App - setting structure.mp4  53.54 MB
3. Props, state and component life cycle in reactjs/7. Project 1 - Create react app manually and understanding it.mp4  45.23 MB
6. 3 projects with Auth0, Reddit API and github API/4. Github searcher - setting headers.mp4  39.39 MB

mp4 [udemy] The Complete Node.js Developer Course (2nd Edition) [FreeOnlineMovies.Co]

Hot:1870  Size:12.36 GB  Created:2017-08-27 18:07:36  File Count:236

Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/10. Wiring Up Weather Search.mp4  121.61 MB
Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/11. Chaining Callbacks Together.mp4  134.31 MB
Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/12. Intro to ES6 Promises.mp4  80.72 MB
Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/13. Advanced Promises.mp4  169.24 MB
Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/14. Weather App With Promises.mp4  202.96 MB

mp4 JS.s.samogo.nachala.Rant

Hot:1809  Size:3.27 GB  Created:2017-08-26 10:26:14  File Count:16

6/2016-03-22 Интенсив «JavaScript с самого начала», урок 6-Bzp1oqPqg2s.mp4  615.42 MB
1/js1-01.pdf  1.7 MB
2/js1-02.pdf  1.37 MB
2/lesson2-2016-03-10_10.52.59.mkv  348.52 MB
3/js1-03.pdf  1.56 MB

mp4 Build a Real Time web app in node.js , Angular.js, mongoDB

Hot:1764  Size:562 MB  Created:2017-08-27 12:15:48  File Count:35

Section 3 - Project Creating a UserStory app (frontend part)/30- Creating Story service and controller (part 2).MP4  44.76 MB
Section 3 - Project Creating a UserStory app (frontend part)/26- Signup Frontend.MP4  40.79 MB
Section 3 - Project Creating a UserStory app (frontend part)/34- Deploy our app to heroku.MP4  30.12 MB
Section 2 - Project Creating a UserStory app (server side part)/13- Login API.MP4  30.04 MB
Section 2 - Project Creating a UserStory app (server side part)/17- Post method in Home API.MP4  27.43 MB

mkv - Microservices with Node JS and React [2020-10, LQ]

Hot:1763  Size:2.31 GB  Created:2021-06-24 07:14:13  File Count:871

01 Fundamental Ideas Around Microservices/01-01 How to Get Help.mkv  534.45 KB
01 Fundamental Ideas Around Microservices/01-02 What Is a Microservice.mkv  2.05 MB
01 Fundamental Ideas Around Microservices/01-03 Data in Microservices.mkv  5 MB
01 Fundamental Ideas Around Microservices/01-04 Big Problems with Data.mkv  3.48 MB
01 Fundamental Ideas Around Microservices/01-05 Sync Communication Between Services.mkv  4.74 MB

mp4 Lynda Node Js Essential Training Updated 12 2015 Tutorial

Hot:1757  Size:1.01 GB  Created:2017-08-28 01:56:14  File Count:58

01. Introduction/01_01-Welcome.mp4  30.76 MB
01. Introduction/01_03-Installing dependencies.mp4  2.35 MB
01. Introduction/01_02-What you should know.mp4  1.75 MB
02. What Is Node.js/02_02-How Node.js works.mp4  10.36 MB
02. What Is Node.js/02_01-Node.js history.mp4  3.06 MB

mkv Meteor.Garden.2018.S01.1080p.NF.WEBRip.DDP2.0.x264-NTb[rartv]

Hot:1740  Size:87.44 GB  Created:2019-02-26 10:21:47  File Count:50

Meteor.Garden.2018.S01E41.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.x264-NTb.mkv  2.5 GB
Meteor.Garden.2018.S01E42.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.x264-NTb.mkv  2.47 GB
Meteor.Garden.2018.S01E35.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.x264-NTb.mkv  2.41 GB
Meteor.Garden.2018.S01E36.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.x264-NTb.mkv  2.38 GB
Meteor.Garden.2018.S01E38.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP2.0.x264-NTb.mkv  2.36 GB

mp4 Frahaan Hussain - Three js and WebGL 3D Programming

Hot:1725  Size:1.23 GB  Created:2017-08-27 22:51:52  File Count:12

Lighting.mp4  326.46 MB
Introduction.mp4  197.56 MB
Skybox.mp4  187.8 MB
Textures & Colours.mp4  118.73 MB
Draw Geometry.mp4  99.63 MB

mp4 Udemy - Node.js The Complete Guide to Build RESTful APIs

Hot:1706  Size:7.15 GB  Created:2019-01-22 12:16:54  File Count:262

8. Mongoose - Data Validation/7. Project- Add Persistence to Genres API.mp4  141.22 MB
13. Integration Testing/12. Writing Clean Tests.mp4  105.11 MB
13. Integration Testing/13. Testing the Auth Middleware.mp4  89.42 MB
5. Express- Advanced Topics/12. Structuring Express Applications.mp4  87.12 MB
4. Building RESTful API_s Using Express/12. Handling HTTP PUT Requests.mp4  85.57 MB

mp4 Lynda - Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js (2016)

Hot:1692  Size:576.51 MB  Created:2017-08-26 13:14:18  File Count:27

0. Introduction/502310_00_03_XR15_Exercises.mp4  11.29 MB
0. Introduction/502310_00_01_WX30_Welcome.mp4  7.09 MB
0. Introduction/502310_00_02_XR15_What_You_Should_Know.mp4  2.99 MB
1. Getting Started/502310_01_06_XR15_UsingNodeJS.mp4  20.66 MB
1. Getting Started/502310_01_04_XR15_HTTP_Requests.mp4  17.03 MB

mp4 [Geekbrains] Node JS

Hot:1676  Size:2.71 GB  Created:2019-04-24 14:52:29  File Count:25

8. WebSockets/Урок 8. WebSockets.mp4  405.82 MB
5. Работа с MySQL/Урок 5. Работа с MySQL.mp4  375.56 MB
2. Консольные программы/Урок 2. Консольные программы.mp4  358.33 MB
6. Аутентификация и авторизация/Урок 6. Аутентификация и авторизация.mp4  349.01 MB
3. Работа с сетевыми запросами/Урок 3. Работа с сетевыми запросами.mp4  343.06 MB

mp4 JS - React - Advanced React and Redux

Hot:1674  Size:3.51 GB  Created:2017-08-26 11:47:04  File Count:118

01 - Welcome/01 - Intriduction.mp4  8.67 MB
01 - Welcome/02 - Github Links.txt  281 B
02 - Testing/03 - Project Setup.mp4  21.1 MB
02 - Testing/04 - Core Testing - Describe, It, Expect.mp4  46.59 MB
02 - Testing/05 - A First Spec.mp4  68.96 MB

mp4 [FreeCoursesOnline.Me] AcademyZeroToMastery - Complete Node.js Developer in 2021 Zero to Mastery

Hot:1663  Size:16.48 GB  Created:2021-06-10 18:56:57  File Count:286

0. Websites you may like/0. (1Hack.Us) Premium Tutorials-Guides-Articles _ Community based Forum.url  377 B
0. Websites you may like/1. (FreeCoursesOnline.Me) Download Udacity, Masterclass, Lynda, PHLearn, Pluralsight Free.url  286 B
0. Websites you may like/3. ( Download Cracked Developers Applications For Free.url  239 B
0. Websites you may like/How you can help our Group!.txt  208 B  3.79 MB

mp4 [FreeTutorials.Us] js-com-tdd-na-pratica

Hot:1649  Size:2.08 GB  Created:2017-08-28 19:56:04  File Count:144

01-boas-prticas/001-introduo.mp4  12.64 MB
01-boas-prticas/002-configurando-o-npm-e-criando-o-package.json.mp4  22.34 MB
01-boas-prticas/003-criando-o-gitignore-de-forma-simples.mp4  4.7 MB
01-boas-prticas/004-criando-arquivos-para-documentao.mp4  29.44 MB
01-boas-prticas/005-padres-de-cdigo-styleguides.mp4  30.81 MB

mp4 Lynda - React.js Essential Training

Hot:1598  Size:608.74 MB  Created:2017-08-27 00:48:00  File Count:45

00 Introduction/0001 Welcome.mp4  8.38 MB
00 Introduction/0003 Using the exercise files.mp4  2.12 MB
00 Introduction/0002 What you should know before watching this course.mp4  1.97 MB
01 What is React.js/0103 Inspecting React sites.mp4  5.54 MB
01 What is React.js/0102 Setting up Chrome tools for React.mp4  4.78 MB

mp4 [FreeTutorials.Us] Udemy - Build Web Apps with Vue JS 2 & Firebase

Hot:1594  Size:4.56 GB  Created:2019-08-12 09:38:44  File Count:371

7. Project Three - Geo Ninjas/17. Geolocation API.mp4  101.41 MB
3. The Vue CLI/2. Components & Vue Files.mp4  88.75 MB
7. Project Three - Geo Ninjas/18. Updating a User’s Location.mp4  87.6 MB
3. The Vue CLI/6. Passing Data with Props.mp4  81.74 MB
5. Project One - Ninja Smoothies/5. Index Component.mp4  78.55 MB

mp4 Building Web Apps With Node.js

Hot:1583  Size:1.46 GB  Created:2017-08-28 14:11:24  File Count:28

3. Persistence/18-Challenge 4 Solution.mp4  112.29 MB
6. Further Reading/28-Audience Questions.mp4  110.57 MB
1. Node.js Basics/07-NPM.mp4  75.58 MB
5. Sharing Code With Browserify/26-Challenge 6 Solution.mp4  66.94 MB
5. Sharing Code With Browserify/25-JavaScript and iOS 7.mp4  63.42 MB