Showing 221-240 of 1,960 items.

mp4 [] Udemy - Complete Linux Training Course to Get Your Dream IT Job 2019

Hot:711  Size:9.16 GB  Created:2019-09-14 09:36:20  File Count:456

12. Course Recap/2. Commands We Have Learned.mp4  375.42 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/17. Network File System (NFS).mp4  320.12 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Services, and System Updates/23. Securing Linux Machine (OS Hardening).mp4  288.03 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/6. Linux CentOS Installation.mp4  225.16 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Services, and System Updates/6. NIC or Port Bonding.mp4  160.91 MB

mp4 Pluralsight - Linux Network Programming

Hot:708  Size:481.88 MB  Created:2017-08-27 04:51:30  File Count:33

01. Setting the Scene/01_01-Protocol Layering and the Clientserver Model.mp4  10.68 MB
01. Setting the Scene/01_02-Connectionless vs. Connectionoriented Service.mp4  16.9 MB
01. Setting the Scene/01_03-Demonstrations lsof and nmap.mp4  25.24 MB
01. Setting the Scene/01_04-Demonstration Packet Analysis with Wireshark.mp4  25.89 MB
02. Writing TCPbased Servers/02_01-TCP server Operations and System Calls.mp4  21.68 MB

avi Admin_Unix_freeBSD_Linux.h.264

Hot:706  Size:567.22 MB  Created:2017-08-26 16:29:52  File Count:18

Администрирование FreeBSD/Загрузка исходных текстов системы/src-download.avi  14.81 MB
Администрирование FreeBSD/Зеркальный набор томов (RAID-1) gmirror/gmirror.avi  12.9 MB
Администрирование FreeBSD/Настройка WiFi-адаптера Linksys/linksys-freebsd.avi  13.66 MB
Администрирование FreeBSD/Сборка и установка ядра/kernel.avi  14.44 MB
Администрирование FreeBSD/Установка пакетов через HTTP прокси/pkg_add-proxy.avi  17.16 MB

wmv Linux_and_FreeBSD

Hot:705  Size:24.69 GB  Created:2021-09-21 01:19:38  File Count:130

Level_1_2/Видеокурс Linux. Уровень 1 и 2/Видеокурс Linux. Уровень 1 и 2 (максимально полный) (2011.Rus)/level1/day1.avi  1.56 GB
Level_1_2/Видеокурс Linux. Уровень 1 и 2/Видеокурс Linux. Уровень 1 и 2 (максимально полный) (2011.Rus)/level1/day2.avi  1.2 GB
Level_1_2/Видеокурс Linux. Уровень 1 и 2/Видеокурс Linux. Уровень 1 и 2 (максимально полный) (2011.Rus)/level1/day3.avi  1.27 GB
Level_1_2/Видеокурс Linux. Уровень 1 и 2/Видеокурс Linux. Уровень 1 и 2 (максимально полный) (2011.Rus)/level1/day4.avi  1.31 GB
Level_1_2/Видеокурс Linux. Уровень 1 и 2/Видеокурс Linux. Уровень 1 и 2 (максимально полный) (2011.Rus)/level1/day5.avi  1.34 GB

mp4 [GeekBrains] Linux. Администрирование рабочих станций (2019)

Hot:703  Size:1.44 GB  Created:2022-04-15 20:21:36  File Count:26

Видео/ Урок 2. Работа в графическом и консольном режиме.mp4  188.68 MB
Видео/ Урок 3. Файлы и права доступа в Linux.mp4  180.85 MB
Видео/ Урок 4. Регулярные выражения.mp4  144.23 MB
Видео/ Урок 6. Веб-сервисы.mp4  160.39 MB
Видео/ Урок 7. Введение в Git.mp4  192.79 MB

mp4 [FreeUdemy.Me] Kali Linux, Ethical Hacking and Pen Testing for Beginners

Hot:693  Size:1.2 GB  Created:2017-09-02 07:29:43  File Count:44

01 Introduction to Ethical Hacking and Security Industry Terminology/001 Course Intro.mp4  23.04 MB
01 Introduction to Ethical Hacking and Security Industry Terminology/002 OSI Model and CIA.mp4  70.59 MB
01 Introduction to Ethical Hacking and Security Industry Terminology/003 Spoofing and Hijacking.mp4  38.71 MB
01 Introduction to Ethical Hacking and Security Industry Terminology/004 Cross Site Scripting Cross Site Request Forgery.mp4  42.99 MB
01 Introduction to Ethical Hacking and Security Industry Terminology/005 SQL Injection.mp4  17.16 MB

mp4 Lynda - Linux Network Configuration

Hot:684  Size:188.34 MB  Created:2017-08-27 23:35:22  File Count:33

023 Routing lab overview.mp4  19.29 MB
008 Using the NetworkManager tools.mp4  12.37 MB
028 Sync system time with a network peer.mp4  11.64 MB
029 Tunnels.mp4  11.32 MB
010 Configure a static client.mp4  9.5 MB

mp4 CompTIA Linux+

Hot:679  Size:1.44 GB  Created:2017-08-26 22:07:13  File Count:16

Module 1 - Introduction to Linux/LINUX + Module 1 Part 1 Introduction to Linux - Instructor and Course Introduction-118504273.mp4  39.72 MB
Module 1 - Introduction to Linux/LINUX + Module 1 Part 2 Introduction to Linux - Course Requirements and Desktop Introduction-118504274.mp4  80.79 MB
Module 1 - Introduction to Linux/LINUX + Module 1 Part 3 Introduction to Linux - What is Linux-118504272.mp4  41.35 MB
Module 1 - Introduction to Linux/LINUX + Module 1 Part 4 Introduction to Linux - Course Outline-118504275.mp4  64.23 MB
Module 2 - Installation and Configuration/LINUX + Module 2 Part 1 Installation and Configuration - Linux File Systems-118516108.mp4  49.91 MB

mp4 O'Reilly - Learning Linux Mint

Hot:671  Size:491.03 MB  Created:2017-08-28 15:24:45  File Count:39

01. Introduction/0101 Introduction And Course Overview.MP4  3.63 MB
01. Introduction/0102 About The Author.MP4  683.03 KB
02. Getting Started/0201 Installation And System Requirements.MP4  4.16 MB
02. Getting Started/0202 Creating Bootable Media - Windows.MP4  8.33 MB
02. Getting Started/0203 Creating Bootable Media - Mac.MP4  6.57 MB

mp4 Curso Redes de Armazenamento de Dados com Linux - EADCCNA

Hot:666  Size:4.99 GB  Created:2021-05-14 11:34:26  File Count:77

Redes de Armazenamento com Linux/Aula 59 - ILM Disco para Tape - Spectrum Scale com Archive.mp4  191.68 MB
Redes de Armazenamento com Linux/Aula 00 - Apresentacao do curso Redes de Armazenamento de Dados com Linux.mp4  38.26 MB
Redes de Armazenamento com Linux/Aula 01 - Raid - Teoria.mp4  104.11 MB
Redes de Armazenamento com Linux/Aula 02 - Instalando o Linux CentOS.mp4  54.74 MB
Redes de Armazenamento com Linux/Aula 03 - Trabalhando com Raid 1.mp4  46.42 MB

mp4 Udemy - Ubuntu Linux Server Troubleshooting

Hot:662  Size:1.37 GB  Created:2017-08-26 20:14:14  File Count:30

01 Introduction/001 Before We Begin....html  1.87 KB
01 Introduction/001 Welcome.mp4  55.79 MB
01 Introduction/002 Troubleshooting Basics Your Most Powerful Tool.mp4  102.99 MB
01 Introduction/003 Take The First Step Scenario 1.mp4  192.87 MB
01 Introduction/004 Scenario 2 No Internet.mp4  95.71 MB

mp4 VM_1,2_720_2020

Hot:662  Size:1.7 GB  Created:2021-05-10 21:52:14  File Count:2

02.mp4  813.87 MB
01.mp4  925.25 MB

mp4 Pluralsight - Linux Systems Programming

Hot:661  Size:539.56 MB  Created:2017-08-27 05:11:30  File Count:52

01. Setting the Scene/01_01-Kernel Space and User Space.mp4  6.77 MB
01. Setting the Scene/01_02-System Calls and Error Handling.mp4  14.13 MB
01. Setting the Scene/01_03-Systems Programming Example in C and Python.mp4  16.55 MB
02. Accessing Files/02_01-Lowlevel IO.mp4  8.12 MB
02. Accessing Files/02_02-Demo File Copy 1.mp4  4.84 MB

mp4 Lynda - Linux Directory Structure and Basic Tools

Hot:659  Size:190.62 MB  Created:2017-08-26 13:08:46  File Count:26

012 View files.mp4  14.93 MB
020 Find files with find.mp4  12.55 MB
016 List files.mp4  11.14 MB
010 Time and date.mp4  10.97 MB
014 Archive files.mp4  10.43 MB

mp4 Lynda - Learn the Linux Command Line - The Basics

Hot:654  Size:202.11 MB  Created:2017-08-26 17:10:16  File Count:35

01. Introduction/01_01-Welcome.mp4  4.4 MB
01. Introduction/01_02-What you should know before watching this course.mp4  984.47 KB
01. Introduction/01_03-Using the exercise files.mp4  3.16 MB
01. Introduction/01_04-Optional Creating a virtual machine.mp4  11.27 MB
01. Introduction/01_05-Optional Installing guest additions in the VM for easier use.mp4  13.5 MB

mp4 Pluralsight - Linux - System Security (LPIC-2) by Andrew Mallett

Hot:653  Size:445.55 MB  Created:2019-12-16 11:36:59  File Count:46

09.Monitoring Systems/3.Vulnerability Scanning with OpenVAS.mp4  44.57 MB
09.Monitoring Systems/4.Snort Intruder Detection System.mp4  22.38 MB
09.Monitoring Systems/2.Using the Port Scanner Nmap.mp4  21.67 MB
08.Securing FTP Services/4.Installing and Configuring VSFTPD.mp4  20.44 MB
10.Virtual Private Networks/3.Creating VPN Connections.mp4  18.09 MB