Showing 61-80 of 2,448 items.

flv Digital Tutors Environment Modeling Concepts in 3ds Max

Hot:822  Size:982.97 MB  Created:2017-08-28 15:03:42  File Count:15

7. Modeling with repeated shapes.flv  113.45 MB
9. Solving difficult shapes in geometry.flv  89.01 MB
4. Box modeling techniques with smoothing.flv  88.87 MB
3. Box modeling techniques without smoothing.flv  81.86 MB
12. Creating wires, hoses, and pipes.flv  81.4 MB

mp4 Digital Tutors - Rigging Quadrupeds in Maya

Hot:822  Size:2.67 GB  Created:2017-08-27 01:04:18  File Count:43

01. Introduction and project overview.mp4  9.16 MB
02. Creating a Flexi system for the vertebrae and neck.mp4  54.18 MB
03. Constraining joints to the Flexi surface.mp4  99.02 MB
04. Adding controls to our Flexi rig.mp4  96.45 MB
05. Bending the Flexi rig.mp4  71.08 MB

mp4 Digital Tutors - Quick Start to Modeling in 3ds Max Volume 4

Hot:819  Size:1.42 GB  Created:2018-12-12 10:51:34  File Count:27

05_Modeling_the_front_panel_knob_insets.mp4  143.65 MB
04_Modeling_the_screen.mp4  139.58 MB
13_Modeling_the_antenna.mp4  129.78 MB
12_Modeling_the_hardware.mp4  128.14 MB
02_Blocking_in_the_main_forms.mp4  120.3 MB

mp4 Digital Tutors - Speeding up your CSS workflow with Sass and Compass

Hot:817  Size:514.87 MB  Created:2017-08-28 00:43:07  File Count:18

Project_Files/Speeding up your CSS workflow with Sass and  25.85 MB
01. Introduction and project overview.mp4  8.28 MB
02. Finishing the CSS and integrating Masonry JavaScript grid.mp4  21.55 MB
03. Adding responsive CSS and finishing the project.mp4  12.38 MB
04. Using Compass and Sass with Foundation.mp4  33.36 MB

flv Digital Tutors - Character Rigging for Production in 3ds Max

Hot:806  Size:3.46 GB  Created:2017-08-27 19:56:21  File Count:157

project_files/CharacterSetupMax2010_ProjectFiles/scenes/01.max  668 KB
project_files/CharacterSetupMax2010_ProjectFiles/scenes/02.max  668 KB
project_files/CharacterSetupMax2010_ProjectFiles/scenes/03.max  684 KB
project_files/CharacterSetupMax2010_ProjectFiles/scenes/04.max  712 KB
project_files/CharacterSetupMax2010_ProjectFiles/scenes/05.max  716 KB

mp4 [Digital Tutors] Multi-Part Greenscreen Keying in After Effects

Hot:792  Size:1.65 GB  Created:2017-08-27 12:00:23  File Count:160

01 Introduction and project overview.mp4  24.25 MB
02 Project set up and planning.mp4  71.28 MB
03 Creating a top edge matte.mp4  121.5 MB
04 Masking the bottom edge.mp4  95.34 MB
05 Creating a top core matte.mp4  58.38 MB

mp4 Digital Tutors - Mobile App Design and Prototyping in Photoshop and After Effects

Hot:771  Size:449.74 MB  Created:2017-08-27 16:29:07  File Count:15

Project_Files/Mobile App Design and Prototyping in Photoshop and After  2.24 MB
01. Introduction and project overview.mp4  7.77 MB
02. Designing the login screen.mp4  27.63 MB
03. Finishing the login screen.mp4  20.84 MB
04. Constructing a title bar.mp4  31.03 MB


Hot:762  Size:673.08 MB  Created:2017-08-31 06:38:04  File Count:18

10 Understanding arrays.flv  77.11 MB
16 Project Creating the advanced move script.flv  72.83 MB
09 Working with loops.flv  51.44 MB
08 Creating custom functions.flv  45.45 MB
13 Project Creating the jump function.flv  43.97 MB

mp4 Digital Tutors - Quick Start to Modeling in Maya Volume 1

Hot:752  Size:778.99 MB  Created:2017-08-30 06:56:35  File Count:13

01. Introduction and project overview.mp4  14.19 MB
02. Modeling a single solar cell.mp4  83.39 MB
03. Duplicating the cells.mp4  62.6 MB
04. Building the panel body.mp4  68.58 MB
05. Duplicating and placing panels.mp4  63.93 MB