mp4 Data Science Skillpath SQL, Looker Studio, ML and Alteryx
Hot:9 Size:8.04 GB Created:2024-07-13 08:14:27 File Count:799
Chapter_1-Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4 17.74 MB
Chapter_1-Introduction/1. 6.1 KB
Chapter_1-Introduction/Extra files/Data files/Code files and others/1. ST Academy - Crash course and Regression files/Python Code/Multiple_linear.ipynb 323.06 KB
Chapter_1-Introduction/Extra files/Data files/Code files and others/1. ST Academy - Crash course and Regression files/Python Code/Python_cc2.ipynb 169.51 KB
Chapter_1-Introduction/Extra files/Data files/Code files and others/1. ST Academy - Crash course and Regression files/Python Code/Python_CrashC1.ipynb 29.56 KB