Showing 521-540 of 568 items.

mp4 Lynda - Building a Note-Taking App for iOS 8

Hot:161  Size:176.29 MB  Created:2017-09-01 16:29:56  File Count:25

04. Creating the Data Model/06. Saving data to a file.mp4  21.08 MB
04. Creating the Data Model/05. Loading data from user defaults.mp4  20.55 MB
03. Getting Started/01. Creating the Xcode project.mp4  14.38 MB
05. Creating the User Interface/01. Understanding screens and storyboards.mp4  14.33 MB
05. Creating the User Interface/04. Controlling transitions between views.mp4  11.21 MB

mp4 Building a Note-Taking App for iOS 7

Hot:16  Size:174.95 MB  Created:2017-09-27 00:17:44  File Count:48

01.Welcome.20s.mp4  2.29 MB
02.What you should know before starting this course.89s.mp4  2.54 MB
03.Related courses.66s.mp4  1.71 MB
04.Using the exercise files.82s.mp4  2.4 MB
05.Features of the note-taking app.88s.mp4  2.7 MB

mp4 Building_a_Note-Taking_App_for_iOS_7

Hot:73  Size:174.42 MB  Created:2017-09-28 04:06:39  File Count:24

1_Introduction/Related_courses.mp4  1.7 MB
1_Introduction/Using_the_exercise_files.mp4  2.39 MB
1_Introduction/Welcome.mp4  2.29 MB
1_Introduction/What_you_should_know_before_starting_this_course.mp4  2.53 MB
2_1._Project_Overview/Demoing_the_finished_app.mp4  1.12 MB

mp4 Building a Note-Taking App for iOS

Hot:96  Size:168.06 MB  Created:2017-10-05 22:06:56  File Count:24

4. Creating the Data Model/121833_04_03_XR15_Dictionary.mp4  17.67 MB
5. Creating the User Interface/121833_05_01_XR151_storyboard.mp4  17.48 MB
5. Creating the User Interface/121833_05_04_XR15_display.mp4  17.35 MB
5. Creating the User Interface/121833_05_03_XR15_editing.mp4  14.34 MB
3. Getting Started/121833_03_01_XR15_xcode.mp4  13.85 MB

mp4 Lynda - iOS App Development - Essential Courses

Hot:300  Size:159.86 MB  Created:2017-09-02 10:54:45  File Count:13

01. Introduction/01_01-Welcome.mp4  25.73 MB
01. Introduction/01_02-What you should know.mp4  1.37 MB
02. Getting Started/02_01-Realistic expectations.mp4  21.77 MB
02. Getting Started/02_02-Developer tools.mp4  13.49 MB
02. Getting Started/02_03-Swift and ObjectiveC.mp4  4.96 MB

mp4 iOS_App_Development_-_Essential_Courses

Hot:24  Size:158.74 MB  Created:2017-10-02 09:35:37  File Count:13

1_Introduction/Welcome.mp4  24.56 MB
1_Introduction/What_you_should_know.mp4  1.36 MB
2_1._Getting_Started/Developer_tools.mp4  13.46 MB
2_1._Getting_Started/Realistic_expectations.mp4  21.81 MB
2_1._Getting_Started/Swift_and_Objective-C.mp4  4.94 MB

mp4 Lynda - iOS App Development Creating iMessage and Sticker Applications

Hot:105  Size:154.18 MB  Created:2017-10-09 08:02:15  File Count:24

018 Send a secret message as a text message.mp4  14.55 MB
016 Configure compact and expanded modes.mp4  13.88 MB
021 Receive secret messages.mp4  12.13 MB
017 Transition between presentation modes.mp4  10.64 MB
022 Display secret messages.mp4  10.13 MB

mp4 Teach Kids Programming with iOS

Hot:314  Size:151.96 MB  Created:2017-08-27 21:07:14  File Count:36

1. Open the Door to iOS/153779_01_01_XR15_Teachers_Guide.mp4  5.79 MB
1. Open the Door to iOS/153779_01_02_XR15_Try_It.mp4  5.59 MB
1. Open the Door to iOS/153779_01_03_XR15_Check_It_Code.mp4  3.03 MB
1. Open the Door to iOS/153779_01_04_XR15_Check_It_Variables.mp4  2.63 MB
1. Open the Door to iOS/153779_01_05_XR15_The_Facts.mp4  4.4 MB

mp4 Lynda - iOS 10 App Development Essentials 2 Design a User Interface

Hot:396  Size:151.55 MB  Created:2017-08-27 22:30:52  File Count:20

005 The Attributes Inspector.mp4  17.27 MB
001 Welcome.mp4  3.55 MB
007 View a layout as a specific device.mp4  7.06 MB
008 Auto Layout fundamentals.mp4  10.92 MB  740.88 KB

mp4 Lynda - iOS 10 App Development Essentials 2 Design a User Interface

Hot:1  Size:151.55 MB  Created:2022-11-16 14:53:38  File Count:20

005 The Attributes Inspector.mp4  17.27 MB
001 Welcome.mp4  3.55 MB
007 View a layout as a specific device.mp4  7.06 MB
008 Auto Layout fundamentals.mp4  10.92 MB  740.88 KB

mp4 Lynda - iOS 10 App Development Essentials 2 Design a User Interface

Hot:82  Size:151.55 MB  Created:2017-08-30 22:30:22  File Count:19

005 The Attributes Inspector.mp4  17.27 MB
001 Welcome.mp4  3.55 MB
007 View a layout as a specific device.mp4  7.06 MB
008 Auto Layout fundamentals.mp4  10.92 MB  740.88 KB

mp4 iOS 11 Development Essential Training Design a User Interface

Hot:22  Size:145.05 MB  Created:2019-06-30 09:46:47  File Count:35

005 The Attributes Inspector.mp4  16.03 MB
016 Finish the date picker app.mp4  15.82 MB
004 Storyboards and the document outline.mp4  14.97 MB
013 Pin an object to its nearest neighbor.mp4  12.83 MB
009 Auto Layout issues.mp4  12.59 MB

mp4 Teaching_iOS_Programming_to_Kids

Hot:77  Size:143.38 MB  Created:2017-09-04 07:10:29  File Count:34

1_Introduction/A_word_about_the_Teach_Kids_Programming_series.mp4  1.28 MB
1_Introduction/Using_the_exercise_files_and_challenges.mp4  2.63 MB
1_Introduction/Welcome.mp4  5.08 MB
1_Introduction/What_you_should_know_before_starting_this_course.mp4  929.15 KB
2_1._Open_the_Door_to_iOS/Challenge_-_Print_a_string_with_capitalized_words.mp4  1.57 MB

mp4 Udemy - Make an iOS 9 app from scratch

Hot:62  Size:139.11 MB  Created:2017-10-05 18:11:24  File Count:18

1_-_Let_s_Learn_to_code_in_Swift_today/1_-_01._Starting_a_new_project_for_the_tip_calculator.mp4  2.61 MB
1_-_Let_s_Learn_to_code_in_Swift_today/2_-_02._Setting_up_the_main_Storyboard.mp4  4.33 MB
1_-_Let_s_Learn_to_code_in_Swift_today/3_-_03._Designing_the_app.mp4  18.17 MB
1_-_Let_s_Learn_to_code_in_Swift_today/4_-_04._Testing_early_and_often_on_the_iPhone.mp4  4.74 MB
1_-_Let_s_Learn_to_code_in_Swift_today/5_-_05._Hooking_up_the_outlets_to_the_swift_file.mp4  7.39 MB