Showing 241-260 of 2,854 items.

mp4 [HTML Academy] Интенсивный онлайн‑курс Профессиональный PHP, уровень 1

Hot:382  Size:5.79 GB  Created:2022-03-19 18:09:01  File Count:73

01 Знакомство/01 Знакомство.mp4  546.85 MB
02 Массивы и функции/02 Массивы и функции.mp4  530.4 MB
04 HTTP и формы/04 HTTP и формы.mp4  525.92 MB
05 Хранение состояния и аутентификация/05 Хранение состояния и аутентификация.mp4  507.28 MB
03 Шаблонизация и организация кода/03 Шаблонизация и организация кода.mp4  501.42 MB

mp4 [] Udemy - PHP The Complete PHP MVC Course

Hot:912  Size:5.76 GB  Created:2019-08-02 16:25:16  File Count:343

22. Solutions To Assignments/2. Assignment 2 Displaying Orders (Backend).mp4  258.85 MB
22. Solutions To Assignments/8. Assignment 3 Display Products, Categories, Subcategory with Load More - Part 4.mp4  257.39 MB
22. Solutions To Assignments/5. Assignment 3 Display Products, Categories, Subcategory with Load More - Part 1.mp4  194.08 MB
21. Upgrading to Nodejs 8 And Webpack/7. Fixing Broken Zurb Foundation Styles.mp4  183.91 MB
23. App Deployment/2. Deploying the App - Part 1.mp4  176.64 MB

mp4 [DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - PHP The Complete PHP MVC Course

Hot:317  Size:5.76 GB  Created:2020-01-23 08:40:27  File Count:342

22. Solutions To Assignments/2. Assignment 2 Displaying Orders (Backend).mp4  258.85 MB
22. Solutions To Assignments/8. Assignment 3 Display Products, Categories, Subcategory with Load More - Part 4.mp4  257.39 MB
22. Solutions To Assignments/5. Assignment 3 Display Products, Categories, Subcategory with Load More - Part 1.mp4  194.08 MB
21. Upgrading to Nodejs 8 And Webpack/7. Fixing Broken Zurb Foundation Styles.mp4  183.91 MB
23. App Deployment/2. Deploying the App - Part 1.mp4  176.64 MB

mp4 ProfIT PHP (1-3 уровень)

Hot:1781  Size:5.71 GB  Created:2017-08-26 05:06:43  File Count:64

php2/Урок 3/phpdoc.txt  44 B
php2/Урок 8/дз.txt  618 B
php2/Урок 4/дз.txt  749 B
php2/Урок 7/дз.txt  864 B
php2/Урок 5/дз.txt  874 B

mp4 ProfIT PHP (1-3 уровень)

Hot:115  Size:5.71 GB  Created:2021-09-25 06:31:47  File Count:64

php2/Урок 3/phpdoc.txt  44 B
php2/Урок 8/дз.txt  618 B
php2/Урок 4/дз.txt  749 B
php2/Урок 7/дз.txt  864 B
php2/Урок 5/дз.txt  874 B

mp4 Udemy - Corso COMPLETO di PHP 8 - Masterclass [Ita]

Hot:29  Size:5.64 GB  Created:2023-03-13 13:26:03  File Count:139

17 - Gestione MVC del Backend/97 - Gestione Backend (parte 4).mp4  121.48 MB
1 - Introduzione/1 - Introduzione.mp4  36.28 MB
1 - Introduzione/2 - Libro.html  2.06 KB
1 - Introduzione/3 - Lato Client - Lato Server.mp4  7.64 MB
1 - Introduzione/4 - Installazione dell'ambiente.mp4  21.86 MB

mp4 [FreeTutorials.Us] Udemy - Complete JSON AJAX API Course - Beginner to Professional

Hot:827  Size:5.61 GB  Created:2019-02-12 10:31:40  File Count:467

11. Setup a RESTful API from Scratch Node jQuery JavaScript SQLite/25. Database to Frontend.mp4  155.78 MB
11. Setup a RESTful API from Scratch Node jQuery JavaScript SQLite/26. Code Review and Resources.mp4  133.22 MB
13. API request and Fetch Practice Exercise/11. Update with New Routes.mp4  124.76 MB
11. Setup a RESTful API from Scratch Node jQuery JavaScript SQLite/19. CRUD Methods Delete and update Data.mp4  108.69 MB
11. Setup a RESTful API from Scratch Node jQuery JavaScript SQLite/23. Updates Styling and Tweaks.mp4  108.15 MB

mp4 [] Udemy - Complete JSON AJAX API Course – Beginner to Professional

Hot:292  Size:5.61 GB  Created:2020-04-27 03:28:28  File Count:467

11. Setup a RESTful API from Scratch Node jQuery JavaScript SQLite/25. Database to Frontend.mp4  155.78 MB
11. Setup a RESTful API from Scratch Node jQuery JavaScript SQLite/26. Code Review and Resources.mp4  133.22 MB
13. API request and Fetch Practice Exercise/11. Update with New Routes.mp4  124.76 MB
11. Setup a RESTful API from Scratch Node jQuery JavaScript SQLite/19. CRUD Methods Delete and update Data.mp4  108.69 MB
11. Setup a RESTful API from Scratch Node jQuery JavaScript SQLite/23. Updates Styling and Tweaks.mp4  108.15 MB

mp4 [] Udemy - PHP OOP Object Oriented Programming for beginners + Project

Hot:192  Size:5.54 GB  Created:2020-01-25 21:43:39  File Count:459

1. Getting Started/4. Web Development Software Installation (XAMPP).mp4  79.57 MB
14. ADMIN PHOTOS Deletion Section/4. Making our Application More Generic.mp4  73.89 MB
5. The User Class/7. Assigning Array Values to Object Properties.vtt  60.56 MB
22. Taking our application online/3. Uploading files and database creation.mp4  60.01 MB
5. The User Class/14. Using our Instantiation Method to find 1 User.mp4  57.5 MB

mp4 PHP OOP Object Oriented Programming for beginners + Project

Hot:94  Size:5.54 GB  Created:2020-05-18 02:40:22  File Count:458

1. Getting Started/4. Web Development Software Installation (XAMPP).mp4  79.57 MB
14. ADMIN PHOTOS Deletion Section/4. Making our Application More Generic.mp4  73.89 MB
5. The User Class/7. Assigning Array Values to Object Properties.vtt  60.56 MB
22. Taking our application online/3. Uploading files and database creation.mp4  60.01 MB
5. The User Class/14. Using our Instantiation Method to find 1 User.mp4  57.5 MB

mp4 Tutsplus PHP to Laravel Essentials

Hot:943  Size:5.54 GB  Created:2017-09-05 04:13:57  File Count:141

Agile Design Patterns/Agile Design Patterns - 1.1. Introduction - What Are Design Patterns_.mp4  30.27 MB
Agile Design Patterns/Agile Design Patterns - 1.2. Introduction - Basic UML Notations.mp4  11.02 MB
Agile Design Patterns/Agile Design Patterns - 1.3. Introduction - What is Agile and Software Craftsmanship_.mp4  22.99 MB
Agile Design Patterns/Agile Design Patterns - 2.1. The Factory Pattern.mp4  36 MB
Agile Design Patterns/Agile Design Patterns - 2.10. Facade Pattern.mp4  60.6 MB

mp4 Tutsplus PHP to Laravel Essentials

Hot:68  Size:5.54 GB  Created:2022-04-24 16:37:05  File Count:141

Agile Design Patterns/Agile Design Patterns - 1.1. Introduction - What Are Design Patterns_.mp4  30.27 MB
Agile Design Patterns/Agile Design Patterns - 1.2. Introduction - Basic UML Notations.mp4  11.02 MB
Agile Design Patterns/Agile Design Patterns - 1.3. Introduction - What is Agile and Software Craftsmanship_.mp4  22.99 MB
Agile Design Patterns/Agile Design Patterns - 2.1. The Factory Pattern.mp4  36 MB
Agile Design Patterns/Agile Design Patterns - 2.10. Facade Pattern.mp4  60.6 MB