Showing 361-380 of 1,175 items.

mkv Excel Saga (26-26)

Hot:43  Size:4.31 GB  Created:2017-08-29 07:34:32  File Count:26

Excel Saga - 05.mkv  168.2 MB
Excel Saga - 21.mkv  168.87 MB
Excel Saga - 02.mkv  168.96 MB
Excel Saga - 23.mkv  169.04 MB
Excel Saga - 15.mkv  169.04 MB

mp4 Lynda - Statistics with Excel Part One

Hot:469  Size:512.94 MB  Created:2017-08-27 04:00:13  File Count:65

01. Introduction/01_01-Welcome.mp4  6.11 MB
01. Introduction/01_02-Using exercise files.mp4  1.19 MB
02. Excel Statistics Essentials/02_01-Excel functions.mp4  11.13 MB
02. Excel Statistics Essentials/02_02-Excel statistical functions.mp4  12.31 MB
02. Excel Statistics Essentials/02_03-Excel graphics.mp4  8.79 MB

mp4 Curso EDUK - Excel - Eduardo Taka

Hot:8  Size:5.14 GB  Created:2022-04-15 17:51:01  File Count:24

EXCEL AULA 17 - EDUK.mp4  411.71 MB
EXCEL AULA 02 - EDUK.mp4  269.89 MB
EXCEL AULA 03 - EDUK.mp4  265.79 MB
EXCEL AULA 04 - EDUK.mp4  148.57 MB
EXCEL AULA 05 - EDUK.mp4  121.76 MB

mp4 Lynda - Excel 2013 Tips and Tricks

Hot:16  Size:779.66 MB  Created:2022-07-24 10:54:01  File Count:83

Create split screens and frozen titles in a flash-182283.mp4  26.66 MB
Create linked dynamic and static images-182343.mp4  26.55 MB
Select noncontiguous ranges and visible cells only-182292.mp4  24.58 MB
Select the current region of cells and move around region corners-182293.mp4  22.31 MB
Use Custom Lists for rapid data entry and list-based sorting-182298.mp4  20.98 MB

mp4 Microsoft.Excel.2013.77-420

Hot:5  Size:1.94 GB  Created:2022-10-14 10:26:53  File Count:20

10-Graphics and Charts.mp4  135.11 MB
17-What If Analysis.mp4  131.89 MB
11-PivotTables.mp4  129.09 MB
03-Workspace Fundamentals.mp4  114.01 MB
09-Basic Database Functionality.mp4  113.99 MB

mp4 Marketing Analytics Using R And Excel

Hot:10  Size:2.38 GB  Created:2022-12-05 21:24:25  File Count:48

Marketing Analytics Using R And Excel/01 Introduction/002 Basics of Marketing.mp4  185.63 MB
Visit  124 B
Marketing Analytics Using R And Excel/ReadMe.txt  220 B
Marketing Analytics Using R And Excel/Visit  124 B
Marketing Analytics Using R And Excel/01 Introduction/001 Introduction to Marketing Analytics Using R and  11.6 KB

mp4 Lynda - Excel Data Analysis Forecasting

Hot:2  Size:809.98 MB  Created:2023-01-27 17:08:20  File Count:135

00 Introduction/0001 Welcome.mp4  4.26 MB
00 Introduction/0002 Who is this course for.mp4  2.75 MB
00 Introduction/0003 What you should know before watching this course.mp4  3.15 MB
00 Introduction/0004 Using the exercise files.mp4  3.37 MB
00 Introduction/0005 Using the challenges.mp4  2.49 MB

mp4 Microsoft Excel 2021 for Absolute Beginners

Hot:120  Size:5.38 GB  Created:2022-11-22 06:00:49  File Count:206

01 - Introduction/004  38.22 MB
01 - Introduction/005 Excel 2021 vs Excel for Microsoft 365.mp4  38.1 MB
01 - Introduction/002 WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training Experience.mp4  38 MB
01 - Introduction/001 Course Introduction.mp4  23.8 MB
01 - Introduction/003  22.93 MB

mp4 Lynda - Blue Prism Excel Automation

Hot:20  Size:235.42 MB  Created:2022-04-16 11:37:30  File Count:70

01 - Introduction/01 - Excel automation in Blue Prism.mp4  24.03 MB
01 - Introduction/01 - Excel automation in Blue  1.84 KB
01 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4  7.24 MB
01 - Introduction/02 - What you should  4.88 KB
02 - Create Process Structure/01 - Set up.mp4  4.37 MB

mp4 [DMC.RIP] [Ольга Базалева] Самые полезные формулы. Обучающее видео Excel (2020)

Hot:46  Size:117.42 MB  Created:2022-06-19 09:54:43  File Count:5

[DMC.RIP] Excel. Видео №2. Самые полезные формулы Excel.mp4  117.03 MB
[DMC.RIP] Видео №2. Самые полезные формулы (заполненный файл) — getcourse.xlsx  69.04 KB
[DMC.RIP] Видео №2. Самые полезные формулы (исходный файл) — getcourse.xlsx  66.42 KB
[DMC.RIP] Сперва прочти!.docx  264.26 KB
DMC.RIP - трекер с курсами.url  106 B

mp4 MS Excel 2013. Базовый курс - 2014

Hot:842  Size:765.2 MB  Created:2021-04-03 20:13:27  File Count:57

1.1. Вступление.mp4  14.68 MB
1.2. Как устроен этот курс.mp4  6.68 MB
1.3. Знакомство с рабочей книгой Excel.mp4  6 MB
1.4. Настройка панели быстрого доступа.mp4  4.5 MB
2.1. Создание и сохранение рабочей книги.mp4  10.04 MB

mp4 Lynda - Data Analysis Fundamentals with Excel

Hot:42  Size:267.67 MB  Created:2022-04-27 17:35:49  File Count:57

006 Analyzing data using variance and standard deviation.mp4  14.05 MB
033 Calculating Bayesian probabilities in Excel.mp4  13.03 MB
019 Using the normal distribution.mp4  12.83 MB
020 Using the exponential distribution.mp4  12.23 MB
021 Using a uniform distribution.mp4  11.86 MB

mp4 Lynda - Excel 2016 Charts in Depth

Hot:308  Size:810.92 MB  Created:2022-04-13 21:30:22  File Count:72

045 Customize area, stock, and XY charts.mp4  38.17 MB
046 Customize doughnut, bubble, and radar charts.mp4  35.89 MB
042 Customize column and bar charts.mp4  26.45 MB
024 Modifying axes.mp4  23.31 MB
048 Create Gantt charts.mp4  22.23 MB

mp4 Curso VBA - Automatizando tarefas no Excel

Hot:66  Size:1.71 GB  Created:2022-04-27 08:52:02  File Count:94

Aula 1 - Introducao/VBA_ Aula 1 - Atividade 4 Criando uma tabela Alura - Cursos online de tecnologia.mp4  112.35 MB
Aula 1 - Introducao/VBA_ Aula 1 - Atividade 1 Introdução _ Alura - Cursos online de tecnologia.pdf  415.23 KB
Aula 1 - Introducao/VBA_ Aula 1 - Atividade 2 Instruções para o Excel com VBA Alura - Cursos online de tecnologia.mp4  51.76 MB
Aula 1 - Introducao/VBA_ Aula 1 - Atividade 2 Instruções para o Excel com VBA _ Alura - Cursos online de tecnologia.pdf  736.5 KB
Aula 1 - Introducao/VBA_ Aula 1 - Atividade 3 Criar e editar uma Macro _ Alura - Cursos online de tecnologia.pdf  62.15 KB

mp4 Curso de Excel para Investidores

Hot:808  Size:1.04 GB  Created:2021-03-26 04:14:51  File Count:32

Modulo 4/Aula 13.mp4  89.47 MB
Planilha Curso de Excel FINAL.xlsx  33.45 KB
Curso Básico - Aulas gratuitas/AULA 1 - Curso básico de Excel para Investidores.mp4  36.77 MB
Curso Básico - Aulas gratuitas/AULA 2 - Curso Básico de Excel para Investidores.mp4  36.56 MB
Curso Básico - Aulas gratuitas/AULA 3 - Curso Básico de Excel para Investidores.mp4  20.33 MB

mp4 Udemy - First Steps To Advance Excel

Hot:24  Size:463.36 MB  Created:2023-02-11 09:46:06  File Count:42

5 -VBA in Action/26_-_Security.mp4  41.67 MB
5 -VBA in Action/25_-_Displaying_vba_tasks.mp4  41.31 MB
5 -VBA in Action/23_-_Copy_Paste_in_VBA_and_Offset_Statement.mp4  41.19 MB
5 -VBA in Action/24_-_VBA_Loops.mp4  29.2 MB
3 - Most commonly used formulas in excel/11_-_Index_Match.mp4  23.23 MB

mp4  How to Automate a Huge Workload in Excel

Hot:55  Size:1.68 GB  Created:2022-06-16 05:23:38  File Count:100

01 Introduction/001  2.59 KB
01 Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4  35.71 MB
02 Combine Data From Multiple Sources Automatically/001 Intro to Data  1.78 KB
02 Combine Data From Multiple Sources Automatically/001 Intro to Data Amalgamation.mp4  9.45 MB
02 Combine Data From Multiple Sources Automatically/002 Consolidate Data into a Single  1.52 KB

mp4 A Gentle Introduction To Advanced Excel Techniques

Hot:386  Size:3.86 GB  Created:2021-03-27 23:38:33  File Count:220

A Gentle Introduction To Advanced Excel Techniques/04 Conditional Calculations and Table Lookups/017 Table Lookups Part 2 ... VLOOKUP a deeper look.mp4  196.44 MB
Visit  124 B
A Gentle Introduction To Advanced Excel Techniques/ReadMe.txt  220 B
A Gentle Introduction To Advanced Excel Techniques/Visit  124 B
A Gentle Introduction To Advanced Excel Techniques/01 Course Information/001 Lecture1.pdf  413.52 KB

mp4 Lynda - Excel 2016 Essential Training

Hot:1108  Size:1.55 GB  Created:2021-09-17 14:12:00  File Count:84

13. Data Management Features/13_02-Inserting subtotals in a sorted list.mp4  42.8 MB
05. Formatting/05_08-Creating and using tables.mp4  40.29 MB
13. Data Management Features/13_01-Sorting data.mp4  38.79 MB
15. PivotTables/15_01-Creating PivotTables.mp4  36.63 MB
15. PivotTables/15_03-Grouping by date and time.mp4  36.4 MB

mp4 MS Excel 2013. Продвинутый курс - 2014

Hot:280  Size:685.09 MB  Created:2021-09-08 14:48:06  File Count:53

01. Введение.mp4  4.86 MB
02. Как устроен этот курс.mp4  4.24 MB
03. Использование тем.mp4  11.93 MB
04. Добавление примечаний.mp4  7.93 MB
05. Создание списка быстрого заполнения.mp4  16.29 MB