Showing 1-4 of 4 items.

wmv [] Lightswitch

Hot:13  Size:161.53 MB  Created:2017-09-06 01:39:54  File Count:21

Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch Beta 2/01 - Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch/1.01 - Introduction.wmv  881 KB
Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch Beta 2/01 - Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch/1.02 - Introducing LightSwitch.wmv  10.14 MB
Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch Beta 2/01 - Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch/1.03 - Demo. Building LightSwitch apps.wmv  23.3 MB
Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch Beta 2/01 - Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch/1.04 - Architecture and deployment.wmv  8.73 MB
Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch Beta 2/01 - Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch/1.05 - Summary.wmv  1.01 MB

mp4 [Pluralsight] Visual Studio LightSwitch 2012 and 2013

Hot:221  Size:909.95 MB  Created:2017-08-27 10:26:21  File Count:54

01. Understanding Visual Studio LightSwitch/01_01-Introduction.mp4  9.54 MB
01. Understanding Visual Studio LightSwitch/01_02-Demo A first LightSwitch app.mp4  48.9 MB
01. Understanding Visual Studio LightSwitch/01_03-Demo Adding an HTML Client.mp4  9.43 MB
01. Understanding Visual Studio LightSwitch/01_04-LightSwitch Architecture.mp4  10.69 MB
01. Understanding Visual Studio LightSwitch/01_05-Evolution of LightSwitch.mp4  6.33 MB

wmv [] Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch

Hot:209  Size:167.82 MB  Created:2017-08-27 16:39:37  File Count:21

2. Working with data/7. Demo - Entities.wmv  25.03 MB
1. Introduction to Visual Studio LightSwitch/3. Demo - Building LightSwitch apps.wmv  22.93 MB
3. Working with Screens/3. Demo - Understanding screens.wmv  22.71 MB
3. Working with Screens/7. Demo - Layout and controls.wmv  20.15 MB
3. Working with Screens/5. Demo - Creating screens.wmv  18.47 MB