flv 6.00 Intro to CS and programming
Hot:205 Size:6.64 GB Created:2017-09-07 03:25:04 File Count:24
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Hot:205 Size:6.64 GB Created:2017-09-07 03:25:04 File Count:24
lecture 1.flv 311.31 MB
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lecture 13.flv 276.84 MB
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Module 1/01 - Histroy of Programming/IOPCT01L.WMV 912.3 KB
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S8 - WCF REST Starter Kit by Example/CH4 - Resource singleton services/1 - Resource singleton services.wmv 39.89 MB
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Exercise Files/ch01/ch_01_02.py 1.9 KB
Exercise Files/ch01/Icon 0 B
Exercise Files/ch02/ch_02_isp.py 6.98 KB
Exercise Files/ch02/ch_02_03.py 2.65 KB
Exercise Files/ch02/ch_02_01.py 2.53 KB
Hot:286 Size:1.53 GB Created:2017-08-26 09:09:17 File Count:未知
Hot:40 Size:666.26 MB Created:2017-10-20 00:52:29 File Count:63
05. Manipulating The Page/0504.mp4 36.41 MB
10. Real World jQuery Examples/1002.mp4 33.1 MB
01. Getting Started/0104.mp4 28.14 MB
06. Event Handling/0603.mp4 23.94 MB
03. Selectors/0308.mp4 22.76 MB
Hot:490 Size:538.69 MB Created:2017-08-28 05:47:32 File Count:76
12. Input and Output/12_03-Strings, Security, and printf.mp4 21.92 MB
04. A Tour of the C Programming Language/04_02-Variables.mp4 19.55 MB
02. Getting Started with Visual C++/02_03-Using the IDE.mp4 18.79 MB
12. Input and Output/12_02-Formatting with printf.mp4 17.47 MB
10. Pointers and Arrays/10_05-Functions, Arrays, and Pointers.mp4 16.21 MB
Hot:608 Size:1.83 GB Created:2017-08-27 19:15:28 File Count:80
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Основы программирования/02- Общие сведения о базах данных/02_01 Что такое базы данных.mp4 93.39 MB
Основы программирования/07- Моделирование баз данных - Запросы/07_05 Соединение таблиц.mp4 81.99 MB
Основы программирования/03- Основы баз данных/03_04 Описание отношений 'многие ко многим'.mp4 79.54 MB
Основы программирования/08- Моделирование баз данных - Индексация и оптимизация/08_01 Индексы.mp4 76.86 MB
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Week6/8 - 7 - Lecture 6.7 - Putting the Pieces Together (2035).mp4 47.25 MB
Week3/5 - 1 - Lecture 3.1 - Class Hierarchies (2550).mp4 46.02 MB
Week6/8 - 6 - Lecture 6.6 - Maps (2239).mp4 40.55 MB
Week3/5 - 3 - Lecture 3.3 - Polymorphism (2109).mp4 39.44 MB
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Hot:1414 Size:233.5 MB Created:2020-01-12 11:09:07 File Count:57
5.4. Qualifiers/19.Protect variables using volatile.mp4 18.42 MB
3.2. Data Types/10.Floating-point types.mp4 13.25 MB
5.4. Qualifiers/20.Don't let the optimizer remove your while loop.mp4 13.22 MB
4.3. Bit Manipulation/13.Masking.mp4 12.14 MB
3.2. Data Types/11.A quick analysis of memory usage with Keil.mp4 11.72 MB
Hot:2108 Size:821.18 MB Created:2017-08-27 19:26:58 File Count:94
0101.mp4 5.32 MB
0201.mp4 7.99 MB
0202.mp4 3.77 MB
0301.mp4 7.82 MB
0302.mp4 2.73 MB
Hot:338 Size:1.56 GB Created:2017-08-31 21:02:50 File Count:68
01 Getting Ready/001 Welcome to the course.mp4 52 MB
01 Getting Ready/002 C Editors and IDEs.mp4 8.51 MB
01 Getting Ready/003 Install CodeLite Windows or Mac.mp4 12.5 MB
01 Getting Ready/004 Install a C compiler on a Mac.mp4 15.88 MB
01 Getting Ready/005 Introduction to CodeLite.mp4 32.44 MB
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Hot:415 Size:407.78 MB Created:2019-01-29 15:56:40 File Count:368
5. ReactiveX and RxJava/28.Start building an RxJava application.mp4 31.34 MB
5. ReactiveX and RxJava/26.Operators and observers.mp4 25.93 MB
5. ReactiveX and RxJava/25.Declaring and consuming observables.mp4 24.98 MB
6. Akka/36.Create Printer actor.mp4 22.58 MB
6. Akka/34.Start building a Akka application.mp4 20.15 MB
Hot:708 Size:481.88 MB Created:2017-08-27 04:51:30 File Count:33
01. Setting the Scene/01_01-Protocol Layering and the Clientserver Model.mp4 10.68 MB
01. Setting the Scene/01_02-Connectionless vs. Connectionoriented Service.mp4 16.9 MB
01. Setting the Scene/01_03-Demonstrations lsof and nmap.mp4 25.24 MB
01. Setting the Scene/01_04-Demonstration Packet Analysis with Wireshark.mp4 25.89 MB
02. Writing TCPbased Servers/02_01-TCP server Operations and System Calls.mp4 21.68 MB
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1 - Eloquent Go/1.10 A Further Tour into Go’s Packages.mp4 67.17 MB
1 - Eloquent Go/1.11 MicroServices Architecture.mp4 15.07 MB
1 - Eloquent Go/1.12 Project Dino - Building Go Services.mp4 52.8 MB
1 - Eloquent Go/1.13 Project Dino - Running the Microservice.mp4 92.83 MB
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21 - Deterministic Communication Using IVars.mp4 48.72 MB
05 - Fewer Sins Using the Free Monad.mp4 47.95 MB
15 - Pure, Monadic, and Arrowized APIs.mp4 47.09 MB