Showing 201-220 of 6,660 items.

mp4 [] Lynda - Programming Foundations_ Object-Oriented Design

Hot:30  Size:920.59 MB  Created:2019-03-06 11:34:04  File Count:96

03 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design/002 Defining requirements.mp4  49.42 MB
02 Core Concepts/002 What is an object_.mp4  45.43 MB
10 Object-Oriented Design Principles/004 Introduction to GRASP principles.mp4  42.43 MB
10 Object-Oriented Design Principles/003 Introduction to SOLID principles.mp4  35.72 MB
01 Introduction/005 Reviewing software development methodologies.mp4  34.71 MB

mp4 [FreeCoursesOnline.Me] Lynda - Programming Foundations_ Object-Oriented Design

Hot:2220  Size:920.59 MB  Created:2019-02-05 00:47:21  File Count:98

03 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design/002 Defining requirements.mp4  49.42 MB
02 Core Concepts/002 What is an object_.mp4  45.43 MB
10 Object-Oriented Design Principles/004 Introduction to GRASP principles.mp4  42.43 MB
10 Object-Oriented Design Principles/003 Introduction to SOLID principles.mp4  35.72 MB
01 Introduction/005 Reviewing software development methodologies.mp4  34.71 MB

mp4 [] Lynda - Programming Foundations_ Object-Oriented Design

Hot:9  Size:920.59 MB  Created:2023-06-29 02:51:10  File Count:96

03 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design/002 Defining requirements.mp4  49.42 MB
02 Core Concepts/002 What is an object_.mp4  45.43 MB
10 Object-Oriented Design Principles/004 Introduction to GRASP principles.mp4  42.43 MB
10 Object-Oriented Design Principles/003 Introduction to SOLID principles.mp4  35.72 MB
01 Introduction/005 Reviewing software development methodologies.mp4  34.71 MB

mp4 [FreeCoursesOnline.Me] Lynda - Programming Foundations_ Object-Oriented Design

Hot:29  Size:920.59 MB  Created:2022-05-05 21:13:16  File Count:98

03 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design/002 Defining requirements.mp4  49.42 MB
02 Core Concepts/002 What is an object_.mp4  45.43 MB
10 Object-Oriented Design Principles/004 Introduction to GRASP principles.mp4  42.43 MB
10 Object-Oriented Design Principles/003 Introduction to SOLID principles.mp4  35.72 MB
01 Introduction/005 Reviewing software development methodologies.mp4  34.71 MB

mkv [Lynda] Game Design Foundations 3 Pitch Propose and Practice [ENG-RUS]

Hot:14  Size:263.49 MB  Created:2023-01-29 18:01:41  File Count:13

07.Exercise - Documenting your game pitch.mkv  38.51 MB
08.Start making games…now!.mkv  29.99 MB
05.Documenting your game design.mkv  27.21 MB
10.Making games as an indie.mkv  23.83 MB
11.Entering the game iIndustry.mkv  22.99 MB

mp4 Lynda.com_UX Design Tool via IDD_AI_PSD by Justin Putney

Hot:217  Size:571.87 MB  Created:2017-08-27 05:25:00  File Count:83

Lynda.com_UX Design Tools InDesign/153985_06_01_XR15_liquid.mp4  23.45 MB
UX Design Tools Photoshop/142067_05_02_XR15_smartobjects.mp4  20.28 MB
Lynda.com_UX Design Tools InDesign/153985_04_03_XR15_textstyles.mp4  16.94 MB
UX_Design_Tools_Illustrator/UX Design Tools Illustrator/142068_02_01_XR15_rect.mp4  14.51 MB
Lynda.com_UX Design Tools InDesign/153985_05_04_XR15_mso.mp4  14.01 MB

mp4 [ ] Udemy - Adobe Xd Masterclass Learn Ui and Ux Design Basic To Advanced

Hot:95  Size:1.16 GB  Created:2022-09-10 13:31:21  File Count:23

Get Bonus Downloads Here.url  180 B
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction.mp4  15.87 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10 - Prototype Section Intro.mp4  14.51 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/11 - Artboart Design for Prototype Part 1.mp4  98.23 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/12 - Prototype and Animation Part 2.mp4  65.19 MB

mp4 Design de Interfaces do Zero ao Avançado UI com foco em UX

Hot:337  Size:16.49 GB  Created:2022-03-30 02:24:36  File Count:462

01 Como aproveitar o maximo desse curso/003 [IMPORTANTE] N227o comece o curso sem ver esse video.mp4  156.05 MB
01 Como aproveitar o maximo desse curso/002 Trailer do curso. Sim Voc234 vai aprender tudo isso.mp4  39.87 MB
01 Como aproveitar o maximo desse curso/001 Seja bem-vindo.html  3.35 KB
01 Como aproveitar o maximo desse curso/004 Vamos estabelecer um acordo.html  3.89 KB
01 Como aproveitar o maximo desse curso/005 Uma palavrinha sobre seu portfolio.html  6.71 KB

mp4 Lynda - Game Design Foundations 1 Ideas, Core Loops, and Goals [ENG-RUS]

Hot:784  Size:506.81 MB  Created:2018-12-11 13:18:13  File Count:46

006 What is a core for a game_.mp4  36.27 MB
011 Game view.mp4  34.48 MB
012 Mechanics, dynamics, and system in game design.mp4  31.45 MB
007 Defining the core loop of a game.mp4  29.85 MB
003 Types of game designers.mp4  29.24 MB

mp4 - Foundations of Programming. Object-Oriented Design (2012 RUS)

Hot:387  Size:1.03 GB  Created:2017-08-27 19:35:00  File Count:48

00. Введение/00_01. Приветствие.mp4  14.68 MB
00. Введение/00_02. На кого ориентирован этот курс.mp4  12.43 MB
00. Введение/00_03. Чего ожидать от курса.mp4  35.74 MB
00. Введение/00_04. Введение в объектно-ориентированный анализ, проектирование и разработку.mp4  19.73 MB
00. Введение/00_05. Обзор методологий разработки программного обеспечения.mp4  46.7 MB

mp4 Lynda - Game Design Foundations 1 Ideas, Core Loops, and Goals [ENG-RUS]

Hot:256  Size:506.81 MB  Created:2022-03-21 16:28:59  File Count:46

006 What is a core for a game_.mp4  36.27 MB
011 Game view.mp4  34.48 MB
012 Mechanics, dynamics, and system in game design.mp4  31.45 MB
007 Defining the core loop of a game.mp4  29.85 MB
003 Types of game designers.mp4  29.24 MB

mp4 Udemy - Design de Interfaces do Zero ao Avançado UI com foco em UX

Hot:27  Size:16.48 GB  Created:2021-08-12 00:44:30  File Count:524

01 Como aproveitar o maximo desse curso/001 Seja bem-vindo.html  3.35 KB
01 Como aproveitar o maximo desse curso/002 Trailer do curso. Sim Voc234 vai aprender tudo isso.mp4  39.87 MB
01 Como aproveitar o maximo desse curso/003 [IMPORTANTE] N227o comece o curso sem ver esse video.mp4  156.05 MB
01 Como aproveitar o maximo desse curso/004 Vamos estabelecer um acordo.html  3.89 KB
01 Como aproveitar o maximo desse curso/005 Uma palavrinha sobre seu portfolio.html  6.71 KB