Showing 241-260 of 1,134 items.

mp4 Udemy - Game Physics - Introducing Gravitation & Rotation in Unity

Hot:32  Size:1.53 GB  Created:2022-05-22 12:30:39  File Count:50

2 - Newtons Laws of Motion/Section GitHub Repo.txt  49 B
4 - Making Contact/Section GitHub Repo.txt  51 B
3 - Simple Rotation/Section GitHub Repo.txt  54 B
course_info.txt  2.59 KB
3 - Simple Rotation/  122.93 KB

mp4 Pluralsight - Unity Navigation Fundamentals

Hot:50  Size:425.6 MB  Created:2022-05-21 04:47:50  File Count:22  833.71 KB
03 - Unity's Navigation Components.mp4  1.92 MB
01 - Course Overview.mp4  6.56 MB
07 - Setting up Click-to-move.mp4  7.12 MB
12 - Preparing a Patrolling Game Object.mp4  8.01 MB

mp4 Packt Publishing - Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity

Hot:396  Size:1.82 GB  Created:2022-05-20 06:58:55  File Count:44

28 - First-Person View with Shooting.mp4  147.17 MB
41 - Modifying for Multi-Player.mp4  123.31 MB
30 - Simple State Machine and Utilizing a Sphere Overlap.mp4  105.08 MB
31 - Player Health Bar, Enemy Health Bar, and Death.mp4  93.43 MB
33 - Animations.mp4  69.97 MB

mp4 [ ] Udemy - 2d Turn Base Multiplayer Game With Photon In Unity

Hot:13  Size:1.6 GB  Created:2022-05-18 09:16:24  File Count:22

Get Bonus Downloads Here.url  183 B
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction.mp4  13.86 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10. Unit.mp4  68.18 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/11. Unit Script.mp4  203.73 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/12. Player Controller Script.mp4  100.75 MB

mp4 [ ] Udemy - Build a Augmented Reality Dartboard Game with Unity 2021

Hot:35  Size:1.15 GB  Created:2022-05-15 22:09:25  File Count:106

Get Bonus Downloads Here.url  183 B
~Get Your Files Here !/01 Introduction/001  5.02 KB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4  49.66 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 Introduction/002 How to Make a Video  3.92 KB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 Introduction/002 How to Make a Video Game.mp4  27.08 MB

mp4 Udemy - Unity 5 Professional Guide - Develop a 2D Arkanoid Game

Hot:1  Size:582.74 MB  Created:2022-05-14 21:20:43  File Count:25

03 Farewell/022 Congratulations I see you soon.mp4  6.13 MB
03 Farewell/023 Bonus Lecture.mp4  5.42 MB
01 Introduction/001 Getting to know the project pre-requisites and what youll learn.mp4  3.83 MB
02 Creating a Breakout-like Game/017 Understanding the Unity User Interface System.mp4  22.76 MB
02 Creating a Breakout-like Game/008 Destroying the planks we hit.mp4  15.64 MB

mp4 Udemy - AI Programming with Finite State Machines in Unity

Hot:35  Size:342.44 MB  Created:2022-05-14 08:51:15  File Count:15

2 - Main lectures/The Panic State.mp4  36.7 MB
2 - Main lectures/Conclusion.mp4  10.73 MB
2 - Main lectures/Agent Line of Sight.mp4  34.33 MB
2 - Main lectures/State Base Class.mp4  19.13 MB
2 - Main lectures/Theory of State Machines.mp4  13.53 MB

mp4 [UdemyCourseDownloader] Complete C# Unity Developer 2D

Hot:1  Size:43.08 GB  Created:2022-05-13 09:39:07  File Count:3944

15 Continuing Your GameDev Journey/334 About Dynamic Music.mp4  625.09 MB
15 Continuing Your GameDev Journey/335 About Dynamic Music.mp4  625.09 MB
03 Text101/030 Text101 Instructor Hangout 1.mp4  262.92 MB
14 TileVania - 2D Tilemap Platformer/310 Instructor Hangout 6.1.mp4  258.24 MB
14 TileVania - 2D Tilemap Platformer/311 Instructor Hangout 6.1.mp4  258.24 MB

mp4 Pluralsight - Unity World Space UI in VR

Hot:8  Size:166.07 MB  Created:2022-05-13 04:37:04  File Count:20

18 Creating the PDA Text.mp4  26.67 MB
17 Creating the PDA Model.mp4  22.6 MB
19 Creating the PDA Scripts.mp4  18.3 MB
12 Adding the Text.mp4  14.34 MB
14 Creating the Button.mp4  13.44 MB

mp4 Pluralsight - Unity 2D Physics Fundamentals

Hot:95  Size:222.42 MB  Created:2022-05-12 19:58:01  File Count:21

18 - Collider Scripting Intro.mp4  24.55 MB
19 - Collider Exclusive Functions.mp4  22.35 MB
12 - Spring Joint Platform.mp4  17.22 MB
07 - Rigidbody2D Intro.mp4  17.22 MB
13 - Experimenting with Joint and Spring joints.mp4  14.47 MB

mp4 Unity

Hot:29  Size:3.76 GB  Created:2022-05-11 15:15:29  File Count:40

Создание Counter Strike. Сетевой FPS shooter на Unity3D.mp4  501.23 MB
Unity 3D Advanced/Видео курс Unity 3D Advanced. Урок 2. Создание (часть 1).mp4  59.78 MB
Unity 3D Advanced/Видео курс Unity 3D Advanced. Урок 3. Создание (часть 2).mp4  31.06 MB
Unity 3D Advanced/Видео курс Unity 3D Advanced. Урок 4. Network Game Lobby и Синхронизация персонажа.mp4  46.53 MB
Unity 3D Advanced/Видео курс Unity 3D Advanced. Урок 5. Создание игры MOBA. Health and Attack..mp4  75.71 MB

mp4 [Allegorithmic] Substance with Unity [RUS]

Hot:96  Size:887.23 MB  Created:2022-05-09 10:27:55  File Count:9

1. Вступление.mp4  39.94 MB
2. Используем Substance Painter.mp4  130.84 MB
3. Настройка материалов и запекание.mp4  102.38 MB
4. Создаем эффекты воздействия окружающей среды.mp4  158.67 MB
5. Заканчиваем с текстурами.mp4  217.35 MB

mp4 Udemy - Create a Fun Life Simulator Game using playMaker and Unity

Hot:49  Size:2.26 GB  Created:2022-05-09 08:35:07  File Count:42

12. Create an Array in playMaker to store Item Requirements.mp4  177.01 MB
13. Checking the Requirements Array for Purchased Items.mp4  169.13 MB
20. Handling Rental Items.mp4  167.45 MB
14. Display the Requirements for the Item to the Player.mp4  166.64 MB
15. Improve how the Item Requirements are Displayed.mp4  145.92 MB

mp4 Udemy - Make A Horror Survival Game In Unity

Hot:192  Size:15.93 GB  Created:2022-05-08 16:32:53  File Count:455

06 Enemy AI/052 Setting up Enemy Prefabs (if they have not imported).mp4  343.83 MB
06 Enemy AI/077 Assigning Weapons.mp4  205.87 MB
06 Enemy AI/083 Refined navmesh bake.mp4  175.11 MB
06 Enemy AI/057 AI scripting.mp4  172.88 MB
09 Pickups/110 Other animations pick ups.mp4  168.04 MB