Showing 61-80 of 8,978 items.

mp4 Speaking Fundamentals

Hot:36  Size:3.16 GB  Created:2017-09-17 04:05:13  File Count:26

01. Inspiration/01. Title and Welcome.mp4  56.43 MB
01. Inspiration/02. Choosing to Present.mp4  94.23 MB
01. Inspiration/03. Choosing a Title, Preparing Your Abstract.mp4  165.79 MB
01. Inspiration/04. Thoughts on Humor.mp4  28.64 MB
01. Inspiration/05. Abstracts That Need Help.mp4  111.93 MB

wmv VBA Fundamentals

Hot:1041  Size:454.98 MB  Created:2017-09-01 14:49:57  File Count:71

01.Introduction to VBA Fundamentals/01.Introduction.wmv  8.49 MB
02.The VBA Environment/01.Introduction.wmv  2.07 MB
02.The VBA Environment/02.Configuring for Development.wmv  11.94 MB
02.The VBA Environment/03.The Developer Tab.wmv  18.88 MB
02.The VBA Environment/04.Macro Security.wmv  5.11 MB

mp4 Accounting Fundamentals

Hot:1861  Size:341.49 MB  Created:2017-08-28 12:52:10  File Count:30

Fundamentals of Accounting for Beginners 19 Product Costing.mp4  27.62 MB
Fundamentals of Accounting for Beginners 10 Balanceexample.mp4  21.02 MB
Fundamentals of Accounting for Beginners 21 Budgets.mp4  21.01 MB
Fundamentals of Accounting for Beginners 09 Balancesheet.mp4  18.82 MB
Fundamentals of Accounting for Beginners 23 Performance Evaluation Optometrist.mp4  18.12 MB

mp4 Git Fundamentals

Hot:6  Size:343.69 MB  Created:2019-01-21 22:43:50  File Count:45

1. Introduction to Git/9. How to Configure Git.mp4  27.98 MB
4. Branching, merging, and Rebasing with Git/7. Stashing changes.mp4  19.71 MB
4. Branching, merging, and Rebasing with Git/8. Merging branches.mp4  17.23 MB
4. Branching, merging, and Rebasing with Git/9. Rebasing changes.mp4  17.23 MB
1. Introduction to Git/5. Intalling Git on Windows.mp4  15.5 MB

wmv MDX Fundamentals

Hot:394  Size:366.33 MB  Created:2017-08-31 00:48:55  File Count:139

01.Introduction to MDX/  789 B
01.Introduction to MDX/01.Introduction.wmv  926.82 KB
01.Introduction to MDX/02.Introduction to  1.39 KB
01.Introduction to MDX/02.Introduction to MDX.wmv  1.58 MB
01.Introduction to MDX/03.Demo - Comparing MDX to SQL Part  6.73 KB

mp4 TypeScript Fundamentals

Hot:148  Size:2.7 GB  Created:2018-12-14 11:38:21  File Count:57

7. React & Typescript/10. Challenge 10 - Solution.mp4  206.84 MB
7. React & Typescript/7. Challenge 8 - Solution.mp4  168.67 MB
7. React & Typescript/6. Challenge 8 - Autocomplete Part 2.mp4  143.28 MB
3. Classes/11. Challenge 3 - Solution.mp4  109.07 MB
2. Types/10. Challenge 2 - Solution.mp4  106.58 MB

mp4 Fundamentals Program

Hot:19  Size:11.87 GB  Created:2020-01-30 06:03:16  File Count:44

16 - Week_4_Inflammation - Group Class.mp4  1.32 GB
24 - Week_6_Longevity - Group Class.mp4  1.18 GB
32 - Week_8_Spirituality - Group ClassSpirituality - Group Class.mp4  1.12 GB
20 - Week_5_Endurance - Group Class.mp4  1.11 GB
04 - Week_1_Go_Deep - Group Lesson.mp4  832.93 MB

mp4 Ansible Fundamentals

Hot:1  Size:500.16 MB  Created:2022-05-10 23:52:09  File Count:21

01-01 - Course Overview -- Course Overview.mp4  2.15 MB
07-03 - Managing Complex Inventories -- Conclusion.mp4  2.43 MB
01-02 - Course Overview -- Lab Setup.mp4  2.59 MB
05-02 - Using Jinja2 Templates and Filters -- Processing Variables with Jinja2 Filters.mp4  11.51 MB
05-03 - Using Jinja2 Templates and Filters -- Templating External Data with Lookup Plugins.mp4  12.92 MB

mp4 Fundamentals Program

Hot:1  Size:11.87 GB  Created:2022-05-21 14:29:55  File Count:44

16 - Week_4_Inflammation - Group Class.mp4  1.32 GB
24 - Week_6_Longevity - Group Class.mp4  1.18 GB
32 - Week_8_Spirituality - Group ClassSpirituality - Group Class.mp4  1.12 GB
20 - Week_5_Endurance - Group Class.mp4  1.11 GB
04 - Week_1_Go_Deep - Group Lesson.mp4  832.93 MB

wmv WinJS Fundamentals

Hot:17  Size:453.34 MB  Created:2021-12-13 13:35:30  File Count:46

06. Pages and Navigation/06. Demo Page State and the Navigation Stack.wmv  70.24 MB
05. Promises/04. Working with Promises.wmv  29.95 MB
05. Promises/07. Demo WinRT Promises.wmv  28.27 MB
05. Promises/03. Demo Promises Overview.wmv  22.76 MB
05. Promises/05. Demo Working with Promises.wmv  22.34 MB

mp4 Javascript Fundamentals

Hot:1  Size:3.26 GB  Created:2022-06-17 20:07:26  File Count:114

JavaScript for PHP Geeks ES6ES2015 (New JavaScript)/01-ecmascript-es6-harmony.mp4  22.02 MB
JavaScript for PHP Geeks ES6ES2015 (New JavaScript)/02-arrow-functions.mp4  33.36 MB
JavaScript for PHP Geeks ES6ES2015 (New JavaScript)/03-rock-some-nodejs.mp4  7.55 MB
JavaScript for PHP Geeks ES6ES2015 (New JavaScript)/04-var-let-scope.mp4  23 MB
JavaScript for PHP Geeks ES6ES2015 (New JavaScript)/05-var-let-hoisting.mp4  19.93 MB

mp4 Javascript Fundamentals

Hot:14  Size:4.91 GB  Created:2022-08-20 17:32:57  File Count:22

14GettingStartedwithJQuery_high.mp4  429.42 MB
13UnderstandingtheDocumentObjectModel_high.mp4  421.7 MB
02writingyourFirstJavaScriptApplicationUpdated_high.mp4  377.37 MB
05JavaScriptVariablesTypesOperatorsandExpressions_high.mp4  368.83 MB
06ConditionalLogicinJavaScript_high.mp4  327.1 MB

mp4 Django Fundamentals

Hot:150  Size:594.63 MB  Created:2021-05-22 23:34:38  File Count:89

06. Forms/02. Demo Adding a HTML Form.mp4  32.85 MB
07. Making Moves/12. Demo Finishing Up.mp4  28.87 MB
07. Making Moves/05. Demo Displaying the Game Board.mp4  27.15 MB
05. Adding a User Home Page/12. Demo Showing Game Data on the Home Page.mp4  26.25 MB
04. Models/05. Demo The Admin Interface.mp4  25.82 MB

mp4 Screenwriting Fundamentals

Hot:109  Size:463.92 MB  Created:2021-08-16 11:04:25  File Count:44

7. Clearing the Legal Hurdles/100223_07_04_MM11_Public.mp4  17.41 MB
6. Screenplay Fundamentals/100223_06_01_MM11_OnePage.mp4  15.17 MB
3. Act One The Buildup/100223_03_02_MM11_SuperPowers.mp4  14.82 MB
3. Act One The Buildup/100223_03_01_MM11_Introducing.mp4  14.75 MB
3. Act One The Buildup/100223_03_04_MM11_Supporting.mp4  14.42 MB

mp4 Fundamentals of Lightning

Hot:3  Size:22.74 GB  Created:2023-06-22 13:24:47  File Count:156

Lesson 1/Critique/Lesson 1 Critique 1.mp4  116.06 MB
Lesson 1/Critique/Lesson 1 Critique 10.mp4  87.91 MB
Lesson 1/Critique/Lesson 1 Critique 2.mp4  78.01 MB
Lesson 1/Critique/Lesson 1 Critique 3.mp4  133.18 MB
Lesson 1/Critique/Lesson 1 Critique 4.mp4  131.13 MB

mov PHP Fundamentals

Hot:18  Size:1.16 GB  Created:2022-08-18 01:08:28  File Count:70  54.72 MB  53.35 MB  50.49 MB  43.98 MB  43.51 MB

mp4 Unity Fundamentals

Hot:3  Size:1.6 GB  Created:2023-09-01 07:26:43  File Count:219

Section 18 - Particles/Unity3_Fund_Particles_018_ArcWeldingSystem_2.mp4  43.19 MB
Section 21 - Audio/Unity3_Fund_Audio_003_AudioListener_AudioSource.mp4  38.2 MB
Section 18 - Particles/Unity3_Fund_Particles_002_Emission_Energy_Size.mp4  37.17 MB
Section 18 - Particles/Unity3_Fund_Particles_014_ParticleRenderer_ParticleOrientationAndSize.mp4  34.51 MB
Section 3 - Our First Level/Unity3_Fund_Level_020_SnowEffect.mp4  34.01 MB

mp4 SQL Fundamentals

Hot:30  Size:2.04 GB  Created:2021-09-11 20:27:31  File Count:35

4. Creating, Updating, and Deleting/4. Transactions & Isolation.mp4  155.55 MB
3. Querying Across Tables/6. Aggregate Functions and GROUP BY Solution.mp4  146.32 MB
3. Querying Across Tables/3. JOIN Solution.mp4  144.06 MB
3. Querying Across Tables/4. Aggregate Functions and GROUP BY.mp4  144.02 MB
3. Querying Across Tables/1. Relationships & Joins.mp4  121.48 MB

mp4 Webpack Fundamentals

Hot:14  Size:480.99 MB  Created:2023-03-20 20:59:44  File Count:255

Exercise Files/2-webpack-fundamentals-m2-slides.pdf  132.39 KB
Exercise Files/4-webpack-fundamentals-m4-slides.pdf  132.4 KB
Exercise Files/5-webpack-fundamentals-m5-slides.pdf  131.45 KB
Exercise Files/6-webpack-fundamentals-m6-slides.pdf  132.02 KB
Exercise Files/3-webpack-fundamentals-m3-slides.pdf  132.26 KB

wmv Refactoring Fundamentals

Hot:115  Size:945.2 MB  Created:2021-09-20 21:19:36  File Count:191

02. Bloating Code Smells/07. Long Method Examples.wmv  57.66 MB
08. Environment and Testing Code Smells/06. Fragility.wmv  49.67 MB  23.77 MB
13. Pattern-Based Refactorings/09. Replace State-Altering Conditionals with State.wmv  21.75 MB
14. Gilded Rose Kata/10. Adding Conjured Item Support.wmv  20.43 MB