Showing 161-180 of 8,978 items.

mp4 Business Writing Fundamentals

Hot:942  Size:167.76 MB  Created:2017-09-03 17:57:49  File Count:25

1. Improving Your Business Writing/147532_01_01_XR15_Understand.mp4  3.51 MB
1. Improving Your Business Writing/147532_01_02_XR15_10Cs.mp4  5.59 MB
1. Improving Your Business Writing/147532_01_03_XR15_complete.mp4  7.22 MB
1. Improving Your Business Writing/147532_01_04_XR15_concise.mp4  9.04 MB
1. Improving Your Business Writing/147532_01_05_XR15_clear.mp4  6.99 MB

mp4 PowerShell Toolmaking Fundamentals

Hot:261  Size:763.3 MB  Created:2017-08-26 13:49:19  File Count:34

01. Introduction/01. Course Introduction.mp4  9 MB
01. Introduction/02. Prerequisites.mp4  2.18 MB
01. Introduction/03. Summary.mp4  679.64 KB
02. Moving from the Console to a Script/01. Let's Go Scripting.mp4  3.49 MB
02. Moving from the Console to a Script/02. The Console vs. Scripting.mp4  10.37 MB

mp4 Screenwriting Fundamentals (2013)

Hot:53  Size:920.29 MB  Created:2017-08-28 06:30:47  File Count:44

0. Introduction/1. Welcome.mp4  38.83 MB
3. Act One - The Buildup/1. Introducing your protagonist.mp4  35.44 MB
7. Clearing the Legal Hurdles/4. Public domain, fair use, and parody.mp4  34.05 MB
3. Act One - The Buildup/2. Superpowers and kryptonite.mp4  30.46 MB
3. Act One - The Buildup/4. Who are your supporting players.mp4  30.02 MB

mp4 Pluralsight - Dojo Fundamentals

Hot:34  Size:578.64 MB  Created:2017-09-08 08:25:03  File Count:57

01. Introduction to Dojo/01_01-Introduction.mp4  7.93 MB
01. Introduction to Dojo/01_02-What Is Dojo.mp4  6.33 MB
01. Introduction to Dojo/01_03-Target Audience.mp4  3.58 MB
01. Introduction to Dojo/01_04-Dojo and Line of Business Applications.mp4  5.31 MB
01. Introduction to Dojo/01_05-Demo A Taste of Dojo.mp4  5.53 MB

mov cmiVFX - Houdini Fundamentals

Hot:130  Size:1.74 GB  Created:2017-08-30 00:35:52  File Count:5

project files/paris nice/niceparispngII.png  1.79 MB
project files/paris nice/niceparispng.png  1.26 MB
project files/modelthetank.hip  313.36 KB
project files/railway.hip  127.33 KB
Houdini  1.74 GB

mp4 Lynda - Advertising Fundamentals

Hot:359  Size:611.85 MB  Created:2017-09-07 21:37:21  File Count:23

011 Basic digital presence.mp4  41.2 MB
010 Be where your customers are.mp4  36.85 MB
007 Producing your ad.mp4  34.03 MB
008 Placing your ad.mp4  33.95 MB
002 The ad cycle.mp4  32.62 MB

mp4 Pluralsight - phpMyAdmin Fundamentals

Hot:439  Size:315.91 MB  Created:2017-08-28 10:35:35  File Count:58

01. phpMyAdmin Introduction/01_01-Introduction.mp4  9.48 MB
02. phpMyAdmin Installation and Configuration/02_10-Demo Removing Warnings and Error From phpMyAdmin.mp4  13.96 MB
02. phpMyAdmin Installation and Configuration/02_08-Demo Installing phpMyAdmin.mp4  6.2 MB
02. phpMyAdmin Installation and Configuration/02_09-Demo Getting Started With phpMyAdmin.mp4  5.71 MB
02. phpMyAdmin Installation and Configuration/02_07-Demo Installing MySQL Server.mp4  5.01 MB

avi The Fundamentals of Caring 2016

Hot:45  Size:810.79 MB  Created:2017-09-13 11:49:47  File Count:3

The Fundamentals of Caring 2016.avi  800 MB
Ultra XVid Codec Pack.exe  10.79 MB
The Fundamentals of Caring 2016.txt  42 B

mp4 Lynda - DevOps Fundamentals

Hot:1285  Size:1.25 GB  Created:2017-09-01 13:40:50  File Count:37

003 DevOps core values - CAMS.mp4  19.27 MB
005 Your DevOps playbook.mp4  19.63 MB
014 DevOps building block - Agile.mp4  20.03 MB
015 DevOps building block - Lean.mp4  20.39 MB
001 Welcome.mp4  21.33 MB

mov TutsPlus - Video Fundamentals

Hot:226  Size:638.8 MB  Created:2017-08-31 13:42:34  File Count:19

2-Video Fundamentals/  71.96 MB
2-Video Fundamentals/  57.47 MB
2-Video Fundamentals/  52.9 MB
2-Video Fundamentals/  48.27 MB
2-Video Fundamentals/  46.25 MB

mp4 Android Fundamentals - Fragments

Hot:751  Size:873.94 MB  Created:2017-08-28 01:55:03  File Count:101

03.Adding the Fragment to an Activity/  1 KB
05.Playing Around with Fragment Transactions/01.Introduction to Various Types of Fragment  1.2 KB
10.Providing Stability to Fragment on Screen Rotation/  1.21 KB
09.Enabling the Back Button with Backstack/  1.25 KB
03.Adding the Fragment to an Activity/  1.28 KB

mp4 Pluralsight JavaScript Fundamentals

Hot:1615  Size:357.86 MB  Created:2019-01-31 10:13:24  File Count:171

12.Security and Building for Production/1202.Chrome Developer Tools and Security.mp4  12.83 MB
12.Security and Building for Production/1206.Building Your Application for Production.mp4  11.58 MB
06.Objects and Arrays/0606.Array Iteration.mp4  10.62 MB
02.Introduction and Setup/0204.Setting up a Development Environment.mp4  10.37 MB
Exercise Files/  9.07 MB

avi Fundamentals of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy

Hot:258  Size:3.42 GB  Created:2017-09-10 00:06:54  File Count:5

01 - Induction Techniques (Stephen Lankton).avi  699.84 MB
02 - Fundamental and Easy to Learn Ideodynamic Approaches to Therapeutic Hypnosis (Ernest Rossi).avi  699.74 MB
03 - Getting a Good Trance Going (Betty Alice Erickson).avi  699.76 MB
04 - Acessing and Contextualizing Resources in Hypnosis.avi  699.22 MB
05 - The Use of The Therapist's Self In Hypnotherapy (Stephen Gilligan).avi  699.79 MB

mp4 Lynda - Fundamentals of Logistics

Hot:1734  Size:568.47 MB  Created:2017-08-27 20:09:12  File Count:23

016 Explaining the bullwhip effect.mp4  36.66 MB
022 Differentiating your company.mp4  36.15 MB
018 Obstacles to coordination.mp4  35.78 MB
009 Make or buy_.mp4  33.84 MB
017 Impacting company performance.mp4  30.64 MB

mp4 Lynda – Entrepreneurship Fundamentals

Hot:323  Size:1.3 GB  Created:2017-08-27 18:21:11  File Count:43

6. Funding Growth/162455_06_03_MM30_Investor.mp4  52.55 MB
3. Building a Team/162455_03_01_MM30_Solo.mp4  49.91 MB
6. Funding Growth/162455_06_01_MM30_Capital.mp4  46.59 MB
6. Funding Growth/162455_06_04_MM30_Evaluation.mp4  44.54 MB
5. Scaling Your Business/162455_05_04_MM30_Failure.mp4  44.34 MB

mp4 Fundamentals of UX Design

Hot:224  Size:3.5 GB  Created:2017-09-09 17:48:29  File Count:16

11-interaction.mp4  290.86 MB
01-whatis.mp4  277.67 MB
16-tools.mp4  277.2 MB
05-personas.mp4  269.02 MB
07-prioritizing.mp4  266.15 MB

mp4 Tethered Shooting Fundamentals

Hot:52  Size:1.36 GB  Created:2020-02-27 18:46:18  File Count:41

7. Shooting Wireless with a CamRanger/145427_07_07_MM301_CamRangerHDR.mp4  91.7 MB
5. Software Solutions for Tethering/145427_05_05_MM30_PhaseOne.mp4  78.22 MB
5. Software Solutions for Tethering/145427_05_02_MM30_Lightroom.mp4  76.63 MB
7. Shooting Wireless with a CamRanger/145427_07_09_MM30_CamRangerTimelapse.mp4  70.31 MB
6. Shooting Wireless/145427_06_03_MM30_Wireless.mp4  66.72 MB